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Aermyn 03-29-2010 03:49 PM

Savage Realm - ROM 2.4 based MUD seeking builders/coders! Serious RPers only!
Savage Realms, a new ROM 2.4 based MUD is currently under development. We have a staff currently building/coding, but are in need of some more to get the MUD really rolling. It is a Fantasy MUD based on a completely original world.

The world is called Aidea, and it is a world steeped in conflict and heros rise, fall, and become legends.

This MUD is not scheduled anytime soon for opening, as we are on the implementation stages and are currently putting it all together. We have extensive maps, notes, stories, and everything to fill out the world, we just have to build and finish coding it. I don't mind training new builders, but please have MUDding experience first. Also, coders will need to know C, as that is the medium we chose to code the MUD.

It is a Role-play Enforced mud, being as it will have levels, classes, races, politics, economy, wars... all that fun stuff, but you MUST roleplay. There will be NO OOC channels, save tell and a newbie channel, and an IMM channel as well.

If you help us get it going, your input could also shape the way we pull it all together, we are always looking for great new ideas as well as motivated individuals to put them into practice. Have an idea for an area you would like to build, I am sure we could possibly figure out a way to put it into the world (if it fits central storyline and continent design.)

And I know that not a lot of people will respond to this message or even show up on the MUD site, however, we are not out for a large amount of people, we want quality over quantity. If the MUD we design is great due to a great staff, players will come, and overall we will have a great time!

See you there!

Post under the help wanted thread.

Please send me an email at for more information, or contact Bob at

Aermyn 03-31-2010 09:58 AM

Re: Savage Realm - ROM 2.4 based MUD seeking builders/coders! Serious RPers only!
Also, to clear up some confusion. Some questions were asked pertaining to the Role play environment on Savage Realm. It is Role play Mandatory, and is going to be enforced. As we are not officially up yet, we will be enforcing it when the MUD is officially released.

It does have levels/classes, we have played/ran several RP MUDs that do this, and have been VERY successful, a lot of people get confused of RPI vs RPE, I consider this a hybrid of the two. We will have very little OOC interactions as everything is based off of Role play.

Players will be able to role play story lines, events, and anything in relation to that to earn XP, restrings, even if you rp well enough and get a lot of players involved in a deep storyline, new areas can be created, as well as anything else we feel is a good fit for the MUD and was role played well.

This will be done with several tools that are being implemented. First one is passive XP. Passive XP is experience gained through a multiplier that is only increased (1 - 10 scale) by IMMs who see you role-playing actively. That eliminates hack and slash (but that is still an option to level as well). Also IMMs will actively be role playing (not necessarily on their IMM character) and award xp for 'RP Sessions'. Second, perma-death is a possibility, however unlikely. It will possibly become an option at the beginning of character creation.

This explains more on what we are looking for. I hope it clears up some questions.

Please stop by and post your interest! Thanks!

creepyguyinblac 05-19-2010 01:47 PM

Re: Savage Realm - ROM 2.4 based MUD seeking builders/coders! Serious RPers only!
If you want to make a true RPI/RPE mud, why are you including xp and levels? Just have a skill based system where you can increase your skills gradually through use, which must be RPed. I think player knowledge of levels and xp has a direct negative impact on the ability to be RPI/RPE.
Also, why create your own codebase when there are a couple RPI specific ones available such as SOI's or FutureMUD that is development.
Just my 2 cents on the topic

Aermyn 05-26-2010 06:57 AM

Re: Savage Realm - ROM 2.4 based MUD seeking builders/coders! Serious RPers only!
Your opinion of the RPI/RPE stance is not the direction we wish to take with this MUD. We have had success from this type of MUD before, and the role-playing is still fantastic. SR already is shaping up to be very RPIish in a lot of ways. Just because levels and xp are included does not mean there will be no RP. I choose not to brand the MUD RPI or RPE, it is a role-playing MUD, period. I personally hate branding a MUD RPI or RPE because it makes it seem like it is not going to be good if it has levels because it is not a true RPI, but this is not the case. This is a very unique system we are building, and will provide tons of great hours of role-playing fun. And the reason we chose the ROM codebase to code ourselves, is we have a lot of new ideas to implement, and we enjoy coding it ourselves.

RPI versus RPE has caused too many headaches in the past, and I do not believe that discussion fits here. In my experiences, players who say the MUD is not going to be fun because it is not an RPI degrades what I am trying to accomplish.

As for a skill based system, that is not interesting to us at SR. We enjoy levels and classes and killing things on occasion, when it fits the RP stance. Skill based systems to me, are not that interesting in this type of setting.

MudMann 05-26-2010 11:50 AM

Re: Savage Realm - ROM 2.4 based MUD seeking builders/coders! Serious RPers only!
The term RPI was never used in the description of this work, and there are loads of Role Play Enforced games that use xp and levels and some of those games have astonishingly good RP. I think you are getting your arguments / definitions mixed up.

Role play enforced is one of those definitions that is honestly very hard to get confused about.

As for developing a new code base.. why not? Again, you use RPI examples when this has not been established as an RPI game.

Good luck with the game Aermyn, and good luck with developing your code base.. an arduous task to be sure, but very satisfying if you pull it off. I sadly have limited time for MUD's right now to try a new one, or assist in building, and the limited time I do have is already spent on a new RPE game, with a NEW codebase.. and that is turning out very nicely..

it also has levels, XP, stats, and also an OOC channel.. but the RP still manages to be awesome!

Aermyn 08-27-2010 04:11 PM

Re: Savage Realm - ROM 2.4 based MUD seeking builders/coders! Serious RPers only!
We are still seeking active builders. Since school has started and summer is over, I thought I would refresh the recruitment process just send me or Bob an email.

Aermyn 06-24-2011 07:46 PM

Re: Savage Realm - ROM 2.4 based MUD seeking builders/coders! Serious RPers only!
New site, we have been idle for a bit, but are re-convening as our schedules have finally cooled off. So we still need active coders/builders. New site: Please come by and visit us!

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