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Soleil 05-13-2005 04:41 PM

This month's Double Experience weekend has begun at Medievia.  All players get twice the experience until Sunday morning.  What a great time to log into Medievia and find out what the hubbub is about!  Come on over, and bring a friend!

Do you DARE Enter?

Ashon 05-13-2005 11:38 PM

No. I'm afraid of the animosity of the rest of the Mudding community, and I fear for my soul, to be tricked into playing a mud that advertises as being free, yet can support a 60k/yr household.

I'll Double Dog Dare people not to try it, and try there hands at games that don't appear in the top 10 here at TMS.

Gorgulu 05-13-2005 11:40 PM

Whatever you may or may not think of Medievia, spamming every post made by them or regarding them with insults and ridicule doesn't instantly turn you into Mr. Cool.

If you dislike them, ignore them.

Actually, i'm interested to see whether or not Medievia is even a decent game. What with all the flame wars i've never once heard someone comment whether, illegal activity aside, it is a fun and well-developed gameworld. I'm just saying it's a bit odd that the game's quality has never been mentioned. Well, except for in advertisements.

GuruPlayer 05-14-2005 03:29 AM

You mean you didn't see any of the 14 Medthievia reviews posted since Monday??

Aeran 05-14-2005 03:43 AM

This will probably be my last reply to a Medievia topic.

The more you flame Medievia the stronger they become. Compare it to a dragon with 5 heads. You remove one to just make two new popup. The more you fight it the more powerful it becomes.

To make this a bit more clear. Each time you reply you bump their post so that it is shown on the frontpage. If you post a flame review about Medievia then don't believe they'll be less successful. People will see the name Medievia on the frontpage in the review list thus advertising the MUD even more.

A lot of players don't care about stolen code. Mostly I find it to be other admins or coders who care. What a lot of people care about though is a good game. Something which is difficult to say Medievia isn't.

If you want to make it tougher for Medievia to get players then make sure your MUD is better.

Delerak 05-14-2005 03:31 PM

I think you all suck.

Jeena 05-15-2005 12:31 AM

Medievia happens to be an awesome mud, no matter what your take on its origins. Seems like if some of the energy spent on flaming Med was spent on developing muds the competition for players would be a lot tighter than it actually is.
Double xp is a fabulous introduction to the mud which also happens to have one of the best newbie systems out there.


Delstro 05-15-2005 01:16 PM

Personally, I don't see the difference between the pay to play muds.
They all claim all this stuff and I log in to be annoyed by them telling me to vote every other minute, tell me to play for hours just to gain one #### level.

Medevia, when I logged on, looked a little anti-what I want in a mud, so I have elected not to log on again.

And I don't like newbie systems. Way to single me out there.
And I hate playing the same PC for all eternity.

dragon master 05-15-2005 01:39 PM

Also seems like if some of the energy spent on designing legal contracts and paranoidly protecting code were spent on developing muds and helping to share quality code, muds would be much better.

Too bad muds like Mercthievia come along with their "Yah, we violated the Diku liscense but it won't hold up in court." mindframe, forcing all muds that don't want to have their code likewise stolen to focus as much on legal aspects and code protection as they do on mud development.

Jeena 05-15-2005 08:09 PM

Medievia provides the best play, the largest original environment, the most live help for new players. Med has a large player base, pvp action, trading, ships, a real interactive environment.
Very few if any muds out there can compare. You can listen to a few self -righteous people complain or you can check it out for yourself and see what all the noise is about.

Delerak 05-15-2005 09:21 PM

Mutiny! You dare use Albert Einstein quotes and then support Medievia! Die! You mindless spawn of sataaaaaan! Arrrrgh!

Gaare 05-16-2005 10:52 PM

Ilkidarios 05-17-2005 07:28 PM

But if you just stand there and do nothing, the dragon will eat you. So the only viable thing to do is to kill the body. But what is the body?

Gorgulu 05-17-2005 11:56 PM

I gave the game a shot, as you said. Created a character, logged in, puttered about. I found it trite, uninspired, and with some of the slowest and most boring combat I've experienced in quite awhile. Took me about a minute to kill a rat.

You miss.
The rat misses.

(6-7 seconds later)

You miss.
The rat misses.

(6-7 seconds later)

You scratch the rat.
The rat misses.


Delstro 05-18-2005 12:15 AM

I personally didn't like the respond time, I saw a dead corpse and a new thing to kill like every time I left and reentered the room.
It took me a while to decide to try it again, and I logged on, that screen then disappeared with the channels.

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