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Dakhno Ivanovich 09-21-2009 10:19 AM

Highly Balanced RPK Mud - Daedal Macabre
Yeah, as stated in the title, Daedal Macabre is an RPK Mud with great balance amongst races/classes throughout it.

What does that mean? It means that dominating isn't as simple as figuring out what the vogue race/class combination is, and exploiting it. It takes some skill, some creative use of tactics and really putting in the work to reap the rewards.

Moreso, while we are an RPK mud, we're not one of those places where you need 70 pages of notes and rigid roleplay to kill somebody. So long as you've got a reason for doing it, go for it. So PK is alive and well on our game.

As for individual classes, we've got a fully customized monk class, that has the option of relying on the use of stances hidden around the spacious mud or combos that are input by the player.

Bards that rely on musical instruments and a sorte of songs.

Dragons... that start out as hatchlings, and over time, mature through the stages of draconian, drake, dragon, and ultimately Wyrm and Great Wyrm.

There are remorts, the newest of which are liches and elementals. The lich remort is available for casters by tracking down the elusive Senraut brothers to gather components for the philter which will change them into a lich, and eventually a Demi Lich.

And the Elemental remort is basically available to everybody. With this, you'll mature into a specific elemental-type, whether Fire, Water, Air, Electricity, Nether or Earth.

All in all, this game boasts tens of thousands of hours worth of playable possibilities, superb coding, and an interactive staff of administrators that listen to the ideas that are posted on the idea spool.

There's a reason we're still playing a mud, rather than WoWing. Come see why:


And yeah, I'm not an admin, just a player. So check me out on here too.

misao 09-21-2009 10:25 AM

Re: Highly Balanced RPK Mud - Daedal Macabre
Can't you do both? I do. :)

Just kidding. All the best, hope more people will respond!

KaVir 09-21-2009 11:04 AM

Re: Highly Balanced RPK Mud - Daedal Macabre
Never heard of an "RPK" before (other than as an abbreviation for Ruchnoy Pulemyot Kalashnikova). Does it just means the mud incorporates elements of both RP and PK?

Dakhno Ivanovich 09-21-2009 11:11 AM

Re: Highly Balanced RPK Mud - Daedal Macabre

Haha, actually, to be entirely honest, I tried out WoW briefly and got realllllly bored. I had a couple of roommates who played and dragged me into it. Not my thing.

Dakhno Ivanovich 09-21-2009 11:13 AM

Re: Highly Balanced RPK Mud - Daedal Macabre
Yeah, RPK is essentirely Roleplay-Required PK. You can't randomly run around indescriminantly killing things. Essentially, we're all playing characters... and barring some kind of serious circumstances, your Lawful Good Paladin probably shouldn't enter a room and brutally murder my Neutral Good High Elf Healer Priest.

misao 09-21-2009 11:24 AM

Re: Highly Balanced RPK Mud - Daedal Macabre
WoW is a game that really only begins when you hit max level, IMO.

A sad design flaw, but hey, they're still raking in billions.

Delerak 09-21-2009 01:05 PM

Re: Highly Balanced RPK Mud - Daedal Macabre
RPK.. my interest is piqued.

Dakhno Ivanovich 09-21-2009 01:19 PM

Re: Highly Balanced RPK Mud - Daedal Macabre
A lot of games don't really start until you hit the max level... however, most don't have the balls to make it take you several months to reach that max level.

For example, on the mud I play, the vast majority of things to do occur at max level (51), but you can level a character to 51 in a day or two, if you know how to do it, or if you get yourself into good group.

However, on Daedal Macabre, characters typically start with a concept or an idea. Creation is fully customized, and there are a LOT of options for different builds within a given class, so having an idea of what you're going for is essential. From there, you have to level, skill and gear.

And quite often, if you're unsatisfied with the final result, you'll recreate, tweak your build, and do it again.

Mind you, this is more for the very PK-minded players. We've got a lot of explorer/acchiever types too, and for them, creating a pretty solid character is sufficient to allow them to explore the massive world around them and do whatever it is that they do.

Upro 09-21-2009 02:10 PM

Re: Highly Balanced RPK Mud - Daedal Macabre
I play this mud too and have for quite some time. We're currently in a revival to flesh out the pbase a bit, but that's all the mud really needs. It's got more coding enhancements to it's Rom 2.4 codebase than could ever be listed and has a friendly/helpful current player base. I second Dakhno... come try us out, you may never be seen irl again...

Dakhno Ivanovich 09-22-2009 10:19 AM

Re: Highly Balanced RPK Mud - Daedal Macabre
Hey Uppy, glad to see you joining the conversation. I can only speak to the hours when I'm online (9-5ish, EST, M-F) but the place seemed pretty busy yesterday, and now this morning looks good too.

Upro 09-22-2009 11:10 AM

Re: Highly Balanced RPK Mud - Daedal Macabre
Yes indeed, we had quite a few people on and a couple new players so all in all a good day. Hopefully we can continue this trend in a positive manner for some time. Hopefully we can open people's eyes to how awesome Daedal Macabre really is.

Twinblades 09-23-2009 01:01 AM

Re: Highly Balanced RPK Mud - Daedal Macabre
Is this MUD down? I tried to peek at it, but it wasn't running.

Upro 09-23-2009 01:09 AM

Re: Highly Balanced RPK Mud - Daedal Macabre
No this mud is running quite well. It did crash earlier for the first time in a week or so, but yes it's very much running and alive. Please come by and try again, port 9000. See you there!

Dakhno Ivanovich 09-25-2009 01:07 PM

Re: Highly Balanced RPK Mud - Daedal Macabre
Yeah, thats another huge up-side to DM. The game is VERY stable, especially of late.

That's not always a given, especially on a game with active coding projects, and a constant stream of changes going in.

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