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Mierza 01-07-2003 06:33 AM

I'd like to build my own mud, I have a few resources (people inclined) available to help, aslong as I know what I need.

So.. where exactly do I start?

All replies much appreciated.

~Jade (aka Mierza)

Emit 01-07-2003 10:07 PM

Ogma 01-08-2003 01:54 AM

Orion Elder 01-08-2003 07:33 AM

Just wanted to point out there are a lot more options than just the ones that Ogma mentioned.

Not mentioned, that I can think of off the top of my head, are (in alphabetical order):

As mentioned, these are just a few off the top of my head. There are numerous codebase listings all over the net. More information about what exactly you're looking for would be helpful in pointing you to something that might suit your needs.

And, as Emit mentioned, there is always the option of building your own codebase from scratch.

* - Chronicles is my own derivative and is a pretty cleaned up version of SMAUG that has been trimmed down quite a bit, and had some new features added.

Adelai 01-08-2003 09:14 AM

Here's a random question. Which wuld you say is easiest to learn? Knowing some code (C mostly), but having been forewarned about the complexity of MUDs, is there one less... complex than the rest?

Lodes 01-08-2003 06:24 PM

Well knowing you really well Mierza, I thought i'd reply. (on a seperate note, i'll be contacting you on your current mud.)
Muds are indeed some complicated piece of code but after you have worked a lot with a codebase you get to know it quite well and understand what is needed.
Which codebase you choose really depends upon what you want it to already have, which features on that codebase do I want compared to that other codebase.
Now, answering your question maybe a bit more precisely. Any mu* is complex because first it is a server/client application and the current standards are relatively high on how a mud should be. I know you currently are an immortal on that mud I play with you, and I will be contacting you. I hope what I said made sense and maybe also helped some other people.
On another note, it does cost some money to run a mud and a lot of dedication. And now as an advice, with your changes, start with small things, you will learn a lot about different part of the code and then will be able to progress into making some bigger changes. Remember that some codebases are just ugly to look at but I am thankfull to the creators as they sure saved all of us a lot of time, and gave us inspiration to continue on.
-- edit - My first post on this board, really bad formatting which I hope I fixed.

Mierza 01-08-2003 07:09 PM

Ogma 01-08-2003 08:23 PM

Yes, Orion, I only mentioned the major MUD codebases. I also failed to mention MUCK (Glowmuck or fuzzball), Mush, Mux, MOO etc. so as not to confuse the issue.


If you want to do something significantly different than the standard medieval/fantasy setting, I'd recommend ldmud or MudOs (another one I failed to mention). LP style muds are much more flexible.

Mierza 01-09-2003 02:32 AM

I need to -learn- to code..

1. Is there anything similar to mIRC scripting that will suit my needs; or
2. Where can I learn? (Desired online, free, etc. Or tuition from an exp. friend'd help too.); or
3. Anyone wanna code?

visko 01-12-2003 10:28 PM

Koryon 01-27-2003 07:20 PM

Terloch 01-27-2003 09:51 PM

Honestly, regardless of codebases out there, or any of OUR preferences, this is what I would recommend you do.

Take whatever code you are the most familiar PLAYING on and at least start with that. You know what things do, what messages are given, etc, and you can find that in the code and by reverse engineering it, you can start to figure out just what makes it all tick. Modify and change it, get comfortable with it, and THEN decide if you want to go with it, or something different...

Mierza 09-24-2003 02:49 AM

Raith 09-24-2003 05:02 PM

Harr Harr..Yes. You will need to surround yourself with competent and dedicated staff members, or else the staff will slack off and the MUD will disappear. That will just result in a waste of resources.

Mierza 09-25-2003 01:33 AM

Raith? Are you my Raithy-raith from the place where Paia reigns?

Raith 09-25-2003 04:32 PM

Blade 10-16-2003 09:36 PM

Ogma 10-17-2003 12:03 AM

Not to be flippant or discouraging, but asking a question like this is like saying 'I'm just learning to drive a car, how long will it be before I can drive in the Indy 500?'

There is far more to learning to program than just learning the language. It is a unique way of thinking and solving problems. The programming language is just the tip of the iceberg. Once you know how to program, learning another language is a piece of cake.

Chosing Python as a first language is a good choice, it lends itself quite well to learning good habits and techniques. However, don't expect to be coding a mud in a couple weeks or months.

I wouldn't recommend coding a mud in Python though. It'd make a good embedded scripting language, but it doesn't lend itself to the fiddly bit bashing that communications protocols require. If I had to code a mud from scratch, I'd go with C++.

On the other hand, if I were building a mud, I wouldn't code it from scratch either. Chose a codebase and built off of that. For most of them you'd need C, but I think the best way to go is use LPMUD or LDMUD and code it in LPC.

Lodes 10-17-2003 01:20 AM

Kylotan 10-28-2003 11:13 AM

What are you talking about? Python is ideally suited for muds given that it comes with extensive networking and string-handling capabilities as part of the standard library. I'm intrigued to see what 'fiddly bit bashing' you think is required...

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