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Blay 09-13-2007 11:29 AM

On The Endless Mud-Search

I've been lurking on and off since I registered here. I've finally broke down to post asking for help in locating a MUD that fits my preferences. Believe me, I've looked and looked and have come up empty-handed. Please forgive my wording. I am not very familiar with all the proper terms I've seen you folks using regarding muds.

I wish to find a MUD that does NOT require that equipment be found in killed mobs. I'd personally rather to have my character buy it's equipment with earned money/gold.

I do not want to have to chase my character's corpse down upon death in order to get equipment or currency back.

I also do not want to have my character's equipment, or anything else, vanish at reboots.

A nice map system would be nice, but not required. I've found that overhead maps are wonderfully done and extremely helpful.

Quite a bit of RP is a must. I've played muds that have nearly no character RP and find them boring because the only other things a player can do is mindlessly bash, explore, and quest. RP doesn't have to be mandatory, simply abundantly spread.

I've found the mechanics of IRE games to be more to my liking. However, I'm trying to avoid those for personal reasons. So, I'm basically asking if there are muds out there that somewhat resemble them. Note: The previous statement is in no way meant as an insult to IRE. It is just a personal preference, as not everyone is suited to every game. I would also recommend that if you're looking for a nicely run mud, give them a try. You might find the games more suitable to your own enjoyment than I did.

Most importantly, I'm looking for a very good player base. I'm not looking to play a game that's overrun with players who do not care about the enjoyment of other players.

Hack and slash really isn't my thing, though I find in game achievement necessary for me to enjoy the game. So, having to work for advancement isn't that bad. I just don't want to do it mindlessly.

If any of you have any suggestions, I am certainly all ears and grateful. I've grown tired of trying mud after mud only to find that they're not what I'm looking for. Not to say they're bad or anything. I've just found them not to fit my personal preferences.

Edit: I should also add that I don't mind paying to play a well run game. As long as the cost is within reason. If it requires payment, I'd rather do some sort of monthly billing rather than paying huge amounts of money for certain character boosting items or equipment, if that makes sense.

Newworlds 09-13-2007 11:53 AM

Re: On The Endless Mud-Search
Hi there. While NW may not be 100% of what you seek. Give us a try and here is why:
You can buy your equipment if you like. We even have periodic auctions.

You can store extra equipment, hire others to help when you have died or in the best case scenario, be a merchant on the game. They rarely die or even have to battle to gain fame, fortune, and items.

Vaults, Gear on you, etc, are not affected at reboots.

You are on your own with this one. While maps are in the game, we do not offer auto mapping.

RP is intensive and mandatory. RP is rewarded personally, and with numerous and varied bonuses for quality roleplay.

We have a grand, devoted playerbase. But you will have to find out for yourself if you like it.

Many ways to accomplish this without hack and slash. Like previously stated, one way is to be a merchant.

These are points from NW. Other games I would strongly recommend that might meet many of your bullet points: Dartmud, Threshold, and 4 Dimensions.

Blay 09-13-2007 12:52 PM

Re: On The Endless Mud-Search
Thank you for the reply and advice! I'll try and give the muds you listed a shot and go from there. Of course, if anyone else knows of any resembling my preferences, please let me know.

Baram 09-13-2007 04:23 PM

Re: On The Endless Mud-Search
Since you mentioned you want something like IRE games, which features did you like and which did you not? As you mentioned that as a sort of "base line" it might be easier to make suggestions knowing what you liked and didn't. Did you try all four of them, perhaps the setting from one of the others might be more to your liking.

I haven't played it, but I've heard Avalon uses some similar features to IRE, infact I believe that is where Sarapis got some of his basic ideas when he first created Achaea. From your last statement I'm guessing the pay-for-perks model might be what you don't like, I'm not sure what Avalon uses so it still might be a safe try.

Blay 09-13-2007 05:26 PM

Re: On The Endless Mud-Search

Well, for the most part, I didn't like the player base in Achaea. Now please, no one take that as anything other than it is, a stated dislike. I'm sure some other people would enjoy the player base. I just didn't personally. I liked everything else about the games other than what you mentioned, the pay-for-perks. Again, that isn't meant as an insult. It seems to work very well and I'm glad it is! I just don't like it. I'd rather pay flat, monthly fees for a very nice game than pay nothing for less than what I want. So basically, the only things I didn't like about Achaea was the player base and the payment structure. Other than that, the game itself is rather ingenious. I hope this further information helps.

I may give Avalon a try in light of what you just posted. Thanks!

Brody 09-13-2007 09:11 PM

Re: On The Endless Mud-Search
Here's where I pipe up and recommend OtherSpace and Chiaroscuro, two of the games at

They're all about the RP.

I also recommend checking out the overall Wiki for the games at

NOTE: Oct. 1 will be the deadline for new players on OtherSpace as we start on the final storyline that takes us to the end of New Journeys in June 2008 (and the beginning of OtherSpace: Millennium, which is set 1,000 years after the events of New Journeys).

In any event, good luck in your search!

Blay 09-13-2007 10:54 PM

Re: On The Endless Mud-Search
My, my! How in the world did I miss game sites like these? I'm wondering if I have been using the wrong search options or maybe I didn't really know what to look for. See, Achaea was my first online game. From there, I dabbled in a few other games only to go back because I liked the game itself. Which means, I apparently know very little about the various games that are available. I only recently heard of MUSH games and I've been playing online games for around 2 years total. And a majority of that time has been with a single mud.

At any rate, thanks much for the help.

Muirdach 09-14-2007 05:56 AM

Re: On The Endless Mud-Search
I recommend as well, because it really hits that playerbase thing that you were talking about. The playerbase is good - but it's managed very well in terms of game design, so that the main town really feels like a town, with other players populating the streets, filling up the tavern, etc etc. It makes things very close-knit, and you can always find roleplay just by wandering through town. Very, very good for interaction.

I would recommend Karinth too, except we're in the middle of a fairly major stage of development, so I don't want people to think that we're usually this disorganized. Do check in if you're still looking in a few weeks, though!

Blay 09-14-2007 02:11 PM

Re: On The Endless Mud-Search
I've run a search on Threshold and it's come up with numerous sites. I found the MUD itself, I think. But, I've also run across another Threshold site and I'm wondering if this site has anything to do with the Threshold mud. Is this the players?

Thanks in advance.

Newworlds 09-14-2007 02:16 PM

Re: On The Endless Mud-Search
This is actually an "anti-threshold" game cheat site set up by disgruntled players. This is not unusual for succesful games. Some of the read is comical and funny if you have a negative sense of humour. If you can take everything with about 50 grains of salt read it. If not, I wouldn't bother.

Blay 09-14-2007 02:37 PM

Re: On The Endless Mud-Search
Ahh, I should have realized that. I opened the forums there and read maybe one page. Which is what I do before trying any mud if they have obvious forums. It allows me to get a feel of the player base before wasting more time. After reading it, I was less than impressed and hoped that it wasn't the players. Thanks for the info!

Ilkidarios 09-14-2007 03:12 PM

Re: On The Endless Mud-Search
I whole-heartedly agree, if it wasn't for the pay-for-perks system and the playerbase, I would probably play IRE games.

I mean, they still have too many races for my liking and the absence of permadeath but I think they would be solid games. I'm not implying they be switched to that format because I know that's not possible with IRE's business model, I'm just saying my personal opinion.

Threshold 09-16-2007 12:41 AM

Re: On The Endless Mud-Search
Thanks. That is much appreciated. :)

Perillus 09-16-2007 06:57 AM

Re: On The Endless Mud-Search
I could suggest Akanbar (), which has game mechanics very similar to the IRE style, although it's a much smaller world. Can't speak for the entire (smallish) playerbase but most of the people are decent enough. Website may be unappealing and outdated, but the game itself is under more or less daily development and things are added quite frequently. Payment is only for faster advancement (if you don't pay, you'll get there anyway, it just takes a bit longer) and add-ons which don't really affect your gameplay.

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