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Archimedes 10-02-2014 11:26 AM

Avalon: The Legend Lives (Http:\\ approaches its 25th Anniversary
Greetings TopMudSites community:

Avalon is proud to announce that we are fast approaching our TWENTY FIFTH anniversary.

For those unaware, Avalon was the first online roleplaying world and has been running since 1989. To this day, Avalon is still actively developed and managed and has recently become FREE to play with the sponsorship model.

What is sponsorship?

Sponsorship is a means of acquiring gametime as an alternative to our paid subscription service. ALL players, new, old and returning can seek sponsorship from their City, Guild or Priesthood associates and in turn enjoy ALL the benefits afforded full-subscribed players. There are NO hidden charges or barriers to progression; a sponsored player can achieve and participate in ALL things that subscribed players have access to.

What is Avalon?

Avalon is the oldest online roleplaying world, a fantasy-themed MUD boasting the most immersive gaming experience in the genre. Whether it be politics, warfare, PVP melee or economics, Avalon has something for everyone.

From demon-summoning sorcerers and holy crusading paladins to puppeteering-seers and shadow-manipulating assassins, each of our professions has hundreds of unique abilities, all of which have, in turn, hundreds of cures, defences and countermeasures. Our ethos for combat is "anti-automation" which is designed to reward human "in the moment" decision making input over what a "bot" can achieve, ensuring that our combat system is the most intense, intuitive and rewarding on the internet.

Avalon's economic system is the most advanced of its kind, boasting a complete Farming and Labours system in which players can grow their own crops, harvest their own fruits and vegetables, blow glass, drill for oil, mine for ores - the possibilities are vast. Each of Avalon's villages produce their own commodities which can be traded, sold and stolen, adding a further layer to our economy which also boasts fully player run shops in which it is fully possible for the fledgling trader to turn multi-entrepeneur and reap the rewards.

Each city in Avalon has a fully fleshed out, player run autonomous government, from the Prince down to lowliest peasant and everything in between. Elections, ministries, laws and exiles all feature; all is controlled by the players and through warfare and military strategy, invasions and conquests are a very real possibility.

Our warfare system is peerless. Cities enlist troops into legions that have to train in as many as fifty unique military abilities from deployment orders, formations and marching to digging trenches, laying minefields and razing barricades. The battlefield is vast and cities compete for influence and income across the land's sphere of influence, bringing forth to bear siegetowers, oil-cauldrons, mortar bombs and archery across a landscape of trenches, tunnels, barricades, fortifications and more.

Is Avalon "Pay for Perks?"

Avalon offers PROCUREMENT as a way to obtain lessons more quickly (standard gain is 4 per hour played) but in NO way is it possible for a player to buy a leg-up on another using real money. Our ethos for these transactions is "faster, not better" and while it IS possible to purchase speedy character advancement, the end result of this is in no way better or different to a player who reaches their crowning point using the traditional, patient method.

Create a character today at - we can guarantee you won't be disappointed.

Elsalvador 10-05-2014 01:32 PM

Re: Avalon: The Legend Lives (Http:\\ approaches its 25th Annivers
Bravo to Avalon's 25th anniversary. I've been playing for 7 1/2 years now and still get the shivers during a big important fight!

If anyone does make a character and needs any help, hit up Salvador in game!

Xanthe 03-12-2015 03:50 PM

Re: Avalon: The Legend Lives (Http:\\ approaches its 25th Annivers
Next month is 19 years that I've been playing Avalon! Constantly growing and evolving and keeps me coming back. Whether you're wanting some fierce PVP or are great at building up a guild or city there are so many different paths for your character to take.

(Kylan and Xanthe on Avalon, , since 1996)

the_logos 03-13-2015 02:49 PM

Re: Avalon: The Legend Lives (Http:\\ approaches its 25th Annivers
I played Avalon a lot back in the mid-90s as Shaitan, lived in an apt in Chicago with the main owner/creator, and became a God there eventually. Lots of good things to say about it, but it definitely was not the first online roleplaying game either on closed online services or on the internet generally.

Xanthe 03-21-2015 08:13 PM

Re: Avalon: The Legend Lives (Http:\\ approaches its 25th Annivers
A roleplaying game needs to have character building and living history. No online game yet had that. Avalon was the first online ROLEPLAYING game, while its predecessors following in the footsteps of MUD had game wide resets of items, puzzles and quests like Gemstone I, Avalon was never an adventure game but a roleplaying game. Avalon invented in 1989 currency economics, permanent item ownership and uninterrupted character history, unique skills, professions, guilds, cities run by players, a real time PVP combat system using equilibrium and balance. A fully referenced and backed up facts page on the site will be going live soon, to clear up the long misunderstanding.

dentin 03-23-2015 10:43 AM

Re: Avalon: The Legend Lives (Http:\\ approaches its 25th Annivers
Redefining common words and applying artificial constraints until you think only your server fits the description doesn't make it true. It does, however, border on false advertising, and it also brings your other claims into question.

Alter Aeon MUD

the_logos 03-23-2015 11:43 AM

Re: Avalon: The Legend Lives (Http:\\ approaches its 25th Annivers
Nonsense. An online roleplaying game's only requirements are that it's a text-based game, it's online, and that you're playing a role.

Aradath, Abermud, Tinymud, Gemstone I etc were all online text-based roleplaying games and all preceded Avalon by years.

dark acacia 03-24-2015 08:29 PM

Re: Avalon: The Legend Lives (Http:\\ approaches its 25th Annivers
Who cares if your MUD was around for six presidential election campaign seasons?

dark acacia 03-29-2015 12:33 AM

Re: Avalon: The Legend Lives (Http:\\ approaches its 25th Annivers
I just spent a few hours of my evening sending the command "learn [skillset] from [NPC]" while doing other things. The NPC always responds with a dozen or so lines of the same skill-specific flavor text (eg: practicing swimming though there's no water around) which takes a couple minutes to run through, and then I have to send the command again. It often takes many sendings of the command to learn a new skill from the skillset. This is how skills are learned (exception: I learned skills from the Farming and Labors skillsets by basically standing around reading help files). EDIT: apparently you can eat an herb to make the process faster, but it still does take a lot of commands to get up there.

The other day some guy was killed by some other guy a couple dozen times. How do I know this? The seemingly endless stream of MUD PVP kill announcements. That sounds like terrific PVP.

It appears that some guilds are reskins of a basic guild type. There's four crafting guilds, but they all sound the same. There's also a druid and an animist guild, and the difference is that one is a little more pacifistic than the other. The brigands are slightly more evil variants of the rangers. It's a huge hassle to make alts to try out other guilds to see so I can't say with absolute certainty what the differences are between all of the guild groups. The junior apprenticeship only lets you try a few guilds, and I guess this is because the other guilds are also reskins.

Guilds and cities need bodies. I got talked into joining a guild and right away I gained sponsorship with what I thought felt like bare bones RP. I gave up RPing at one point during the introduction with the guild leaders about what I'm supposed to learn (and it's a whole lot of stuff) because they weren't RPing that much, and because everything was presented in a way that wasn't conducive to RP. I also did something legal to two characters who got mad and broke RP to tell me that they had proof that my character did something on their text logs. Often I can't tell when the expectation is to be IC or OOC. EDIT: I did some quests with a fellow newbie guild member, and since he already did them, he pretty much led me around the game and told me in says what commands to use and where. When we started I was under the impression that we'd work together on them.

The emote system is basically a series of commands that send a stock emote to the room. You can do freeform emotes, but the people I ran into just used the stock emotes.

It seems like every direct or indirect offensive ability has either a proactive or reactive countermeasure. This means that there's a lot of curative and preventative items.

I'm constantly editing what I type to rearrange words for British spelling.

Someone really, really wants you to know the lore, and there have been times when I was expected to regurgitate stuff that I read in help files.

Kurdock 12-24-2015 07:47 AM

Re: Avalon: The Legend Lives (Http:\\ approaches its 25th Annivers
Hoho funny I just made an account on TMS some time ago and I managed to dig up this old thread haha. I'm not sure if its even legal to necro an old topic but meh.

So lets see ...

1) Yep you can use the furglewort herb to make the command lines go faster, and also higher up in the Scholarship skill theres an 'autolearn' ability that automates the 'LEARN SKILL FROM NPC' commands for you. :)

2) Getting killed is normal. Its a part of learning. We all get knocked down, but the good ones will eventually get back up. Please don't tell me you're one of those cowards who shy away from a good fight. Besides, there are mediums to ensure that those who dislike combat are allowed to enjoy Avalon with limited combat - duellist mode (only fighting in mutual challenges), and divine protection are some examples.

3) Yeah true Avalon isn't RP-enforced, and sometimes I just like to kick back, relax and chat about normal stuff. I find RP-intensive games too stressful. At Avalon I don't have to pay much attention to whether what I say and do is IC. :D

4) The guilds aren't reskins! They have the same skillets, but they have different alignments and affiliations, due to the fact that Avalon is composed of 4 player-run cities. Players would be very annoyed if one city had a certain type of guild and the other cities did not. Because of this, there are 'reskins' of the same guild to ensure all cities have access to that type of guild.

5) Sponsorship comes at a very low price of an in-game sort of currency called globe power. All the cities can afford to sponsor you very early, and if you go inactive, the sponsorship will just be cancelled. In fact, sponsorship wouldn't even exist if not for the admin's decision to implement it in order to bar abusive/second characters from playing.

6) The fellow newbie guild member who showed you all those quests was being rather irresponsible, in my opinion. Its also a very rare case anyway. Never in my 2 months in Avalon have I been directly shown quests, although I do ask and receive some quest hints sometimes. Even if that newbie guild member DID show you a couple of quests, there are still hundreds more for you to discover on your own :D

7) The emotes in Avalon are just meant to be a quick display of your thoughts/feelings at that time. Things happen very quickly and we rarely have a chance to emote out a fleshy 4-sentence action lol. But yeah, to be honest nobody really does custom emotes a lot. At most my custom emotes would be a sentence, like 'emote cheers loudly for the new school graduate' or something along the lines of that.

8) You don't really have to memorise the lore actually. I usually just read through some old archives for the fun of it and forget it the day later. There are some big events that I've always remembered tho - the Thakrian invasion of Springdale that resulted in its total destruction, for example.

And once again, so sorry for posting in this long-dead thread, I just found that dark_acacia's review was left sort of unanswered and may give wrong ideas about Avalon to the public. And I didn't want to make a new thread either :) And now admins feel free to lock this thread haha.

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