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Translucent 05-14-2006 06:23 PM

I'm from Lusternia and I think it might be time to give something new a try. I am a fighting kind of person on MUDs, so here are my requirements:

-Must have active, skill-based PvP. I do NOT want to sit back and watch text fly by my screen, I want to be doing things.
-PvP should not be based solely on equipment and levels; the primary basis should be player skill.
-I don't really care whether it's free or pay-for-perks as long as it's not pay-to-play.
-Preferably should have encouraged/enforced RP.
-No permadeath.
-Must have a reasonably large playerbase.

I'm already aware of all the Iron Realms games (as I said, I'm from Lusternia) but I feel like trying something new, so please don't recommend any of those.

Let me know if your MUD fits all this.

Elora 05-14-2006 06:51 PM

You could try Shattered Kingdoms ( 1996). It is a free PK mud with enforced roleplay. No permadeath, with a decent playerbase.

Shane 05-14-2006 07:34 PM

the_logos 05-14-2006 10:39 PM

With due respect to Shane, let's try not to turn this thread into a "my favorite MUD doesn't fit your requirements, but I'm going to advertise it anyway" thread please.


Shane 05-15-2006 12:08 AM

Well, taint my favorite, but my favorite isn't even really pk oriented.

No prob tho.

Translucent 05-16-2006 06:00 PM

Well, it looks moderately interesting. I'll probably check it out anyway.

Ellie 05-17-2006 05:59 AM

Oh! You should try Evarayn. ( port 23) Though it does not have a gigantic player base, it fits all the other requirements. There is plenty of PvP combat and it's based on player skill as well as skill based in the game, mainly. There is a balance system just like in the IRE games, where you have to recover your balance before you can attack again. Come give it a try, won't you? It's really a great game if you look past the playerbase.

Kelvin 05-17-2006 11:40 AM

Was there a particular theme or genre you were looking for? A particular time period or anything?

Translucent 05-17-2006 03:25 PM

Not really. I'm open on themes.

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