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Hannah 08-04-2002 07:22 AM

Alexei 08-04-2002 09:46 AM


SheWhoHasNoName 08-04-2002 10:17 AM

Because of an absolutely horrible Administration. Guess it goes along with cheating immortals.

Kyrene 08-05-2002 01:52 PM

Wenlin 08-05-2002 03:20 PM

When X mud stops being X mud and becomes Y mud.

Change in favor of what the people want is good. Unneeded change and drastic unneeded change is not.

Rytorth 08-05-2002 08:20 PM first MU* was a pay-to-play. Eventually I got tired of paying and my player file was wiped.

Molly 08-11-2002 11:36 AM

Yuki 08-11-2002 12:52 PM

Preach on Sister Molly!

I've not played many muds, but the few I have... the first one that I left was over a number of things: biased immortals, cheating immortals, general boredom... but you see, those weren't enough to get me to leave. I still had friends there, a sense of familiarity, even a girlfriend who played there. When she broke up with me, I kind of realized I was simply going there to see her more than play, so I had quit the playing portion long before, but it took that to make me delete everyone and leave. I could almost handle the cheating imms, but the biased imms were too much. Rules apply to you but no one else just because you're not their best friend or something.

Next place I played at briefly, but power tripping owner/cheating owner/asshole owner + bias towards his real life friends did it again. I just left. I actually quit mudding totally. I will curse my friend Rod for asking me to help him do helpfiles, build, and learn to code at the place he started up... pulled me back into the deep of mud, how evil it is.

Guess seeing all of these things though has made me a better immortal, mud owner, etc.

Caxandra 08-11-2002 08:22 PM

I've only outright left one mud-- the others just lost funding. I left because I was accused of multiplaying when I only had one character. I chose to just leave instead of arguing with some Immortal who swore up and down he saw my 'alt.' No dramatics, I just deleted. I think I didn't even tell my guild I had gone.

Enzo 08-12-2002 11:42 PM

Sometimes you get bored...

Yuki 08-13-2002 12:40 AM

Oo Oo Oo !!! I just remembered that I had quit another mud too! I was a coder there as well!

The breaking point was when the player base yelled at me for rebooting them game when they were leaking 64 megs of ram every 12 hours or so, creating lag on the whole server that my game was also hosted on. Heaven forbid I only gave them a 30 second warning and did not wait for them to kill some mob. They called me names, it hurt my feeling so much. The one coder who did something in the previous two years for them... wonder why all their other coders got chased off?

I tole them to F themselves and went back to coding my mud. Sometimes it's nice to see other muds, it reminds you just how non-asshole your players actually are.

Ingham 08-13-2002 01:55 PM

[Consider this post deleted]

Mnemosyne 08-13-2002 07:14 PM

Kyrie_S 08-18-2002 07:10 PM

Hmm, what makes or made me leave a mud..

Lazy coders that do nothing but "throw them a bone" coding all day if at all, poorly built areas, and a crap imm staff.

On the players side, heh, Players who swear playing a role and roleplaying are one in the same. Players who bring personal ooc issues into a game due to lack of a good psychologist, and powergamers.

Above all, boredom:)

Santrilla 09-08-2002 08:28 PM

Sapphar 09-10-2002 10:03 AM

Cheating admin/Admin with personal issues that impact the environment.

But equally important, because there are 17,000 muds out there. And when I get bored and go try a few out, there is occassionaly one I start really liking, more than where I am, and I move on.

Good thing I don't feel a need for powerful characters *grin*

Boggis 09-10-2002 11:37 AM

I left my old "RP Enforced" mud as I got tired of the lack of RP. Sure people didn't talk about OOC stuff while playing but it still all felt very shallow and not the kind of RP I was looking for. Powergaming wrapped up in the euphemism "hunting", Levelling being indicated by "Ooh, I learned a new skill" or "Ooh, I'm not going hunting there as the trainers said they'd teach me a new skill soon". Throw in an over-sized ego for the head Imm as well as number of other things that irked me and after two years I'd realised I'd had enough.

No big scene... just didn't log in one day and moved on to a better place. Was kind of hard to junk two years but it was probably the best mudding decision I've made. There's a huge amount of muds out there and chances are you'll find something to be happy on. If you're sticking around to play a game that you're not happy on then I think you need to ask yourself: "Why am I annoying myself when I should be enjoying myself?" Sounds simple I know but it took me nearly six months to eventually figure out how simple it really is.

Happy mudding!

mhc 09-10-2002 04:16 PM

I never left. To many peoples chagrin, I'm still around. I am the constant in their lives. When they return years after they last logged on, there I am, waiting to eat their souls again.

Lily 09-10-2002 11:34 PM

Sanvean 09-25-2002 09:57 PM

In my experience, the people that make a big deal about leaving are the ones that end up coming back. They post long, dramatic farewells on the discussion board, request that their character be deleted, and send long email to the admins detailing exactly how they've been driven to this drastic move.

The more fuss they make, the likelier they are to come back. They've got a degree of emotional investment that keeps them from returning. It's the ones that fade away wordlessly that don't come back - sometimes that's a sad thing, other times it's just a case of player styles differing radically from that of the mud.

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