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KaVir 12-15-2004 10:00 AM

Well that would certainly explain why you keep provoking people into starting flame wars. It's just a pity you don't show half as much consideration for other posters as you do for the constant promotion of your products - these forums are for other muds as well, you know, and not all publicity is good publicity.

Kastagaar 12-15-2004 11:51 AM

Maybe Achaea is based on code stolen from the Medievia codebase!

Darnit, I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight for counting how many points of irony that sentence has in it.

Beren 12-15-2004 12:21 PM

Oh my... you mean if peole start flaming Midnight Sun as well more people will visit our MUd?
woo woo!
Bring your flaming torches and set me to flames
you scoundrels....
you all suck. ONLY I know best....

hmm just run out of insults to get other people to flame me..

Any pointers ?
It seems I am still an amateur in this game...

Beren the amateur
Midnight Sun

Angie 12-15-2004 02:15 PM

OMG. Beren, you're soooo in trouble. Report at my office tomorrow at dawn and remind me you are there to be executed.

Now, seriously... I can understand why Matt does this. What I can't understand is why the rest of us always so willingly play along. Yes, me right now including. :P

the_logos 12-15-2004 02:41 PM

Hey, if some jackass chooses to flame us, that's his problem. Nobody has to flame. They choose to do so and all blame rests on their shoulders for doing so. I'd suggest taking your etiquette reminders and aiming them at the people actually doing the flaming.

And while all publicity isn't good publicity, I've yet to see a single flame-inspired discussion about any of our games on this site that didn't end up being good publicity for us. If we have to put up with idiots attacking us for silly reasons, then you're going to have to put up with me turning those attacks into advantages for us. *shrug*


the_logos 12-15-2004 02:48 PM

Because they can't help themselves. A couple of the chronic flamers are like rabid little squirrels who are horribly frustrated that another squirrel has a bushier tail than they do or something. They're so desperate to tear down the other squirrel that they'll find any excuse (often blatantly made up) to flame said squirrel, regardless of whether it's actually helping the other squirrel or not. It's very silly behavior, but then, rabid squirrels are not known for high levels of discernment or restraint.


the_logos 12-15-2004 02:51 PM

Wow, that's a very intuitive guess, though the truth is somewhat more complicated. We did originally start by stealing the Medievia codebase, but then we invented time travel and jumped forward in time to steal the Worlds of Warcraft codebase. We stripped out all those unnecessary graphics, changed the focus of the game to be on community dynamics rather than monster bashing, and off we went! But don't tell Blizzard please. They'll be ****ed.

the_logos 12-15-2004 03:01 PM

*ahem* Beren, Beren, Beren. Your namesake went through #### and back to recover a silmaril from Morgoth and THIS is the best you can do? The dude had his hand bit off and you pay homage to him with THIS? Let me help you along a bit.

MIDNIGHT SUN SUCKS! It's well known that you guys stole the MUD I codebase and have been using it for your own nefarious purposes since then. You, Beren, are the illegitimate lovechild of George Bush (senior) and Margaret Thatcher, which explains why you're SO ****ING UGLY. In fact, I've never seen a MUD filled with uglier, stupider people than Midnight Sun. The very name offends the ears. "Midnight Sun". What, are we all retarded Aleutians now, living above the Artic Circle? God ####, I hate Aleutians and I hate your MUD. I created a character there once and the first thing I saw was all of the admins gang-raping a young girl NPC. It was disgusting, but they were loving it. You people are SICK and should be BANNED from Topmudsites until you all sit in jail for a good 5 years first. Now go to #### and never come back. The MUD community doesn't need losers like you.

See? You just have to put a little more 'oomph' behind a flame if you want it to be effective. It helps to sound slightly loony and out of touch with reality too, since that's one of the trademarks of chronic flamers. Making things up is also excellent. Note how I accused your staff of gang-rape, for instance, which I feel safe in assuming is a complete falsehood.

Say, you should try to pick up some tapes of Lewis Black's comedy routines. He throws off some excellent insults that you could adapt to this board if you're so inclined.

Edit: Does anyone else thinks it's weird that ****ING makes it through the profanity filter, but '####' doesn't?

Ilkidarios 12-15-2004 04:37 PM

Buying credits from Iron Realms is more of a waste of money than a monthly subscription to Runescape.  Who buys these things?  Here's a hypothetical situation:
Joe: Hey Bill, maybe if we offered people a way to give us real money for fake things in an imaginary world, we can be rich!
Bill: My god Joe, you're a genius! I'll get started on the game right away, meanwhile, you can start a company based on the exchange of real money for nothing.
Joe: I'll get right on it boss!

I decided I'd drag Runescape into this for the #### of it, screw you Jagex!  Just fueling the flames you guys.

the_logos 12-15-2004 05:07 PM

Yeah, screw that! I'm throwing away my copy of Office and all my video games, because who would pay for 1s and 0s! In fact, from now on, I think I'll refuse to pay for any services, such as the advice of a lawyer. If it doesn't get my a physical object, it must be worthless! ####, why should I pay for a movie? It doesn't get me anything but an experience! It's ridiculous! Hollywood is trying to rip us all off! They should spend hundreds of millions of dollars on Lord of the Rings movies and let me watch them for free! Same with Disneyland! What the #### do I get out of it but an experience? Why should I have to pay for an experience?!

My god, you're a genius. Thank you for enlightening us as to the worthlessness of anything that isn't a physical object.


Ilkidarios 12-15-2004 05:33 PM

You bring up an interesting point, why should we pay for movies when we could go out and have some adventures ourselves? I'd rather go out and do something personally than watch some schmuck in a movie pretending to do something. Movies are a waste of my hard-earned cash.

the_logos 12-15-2004 05:36 PM

Yeah! So is reading, and art, and music! Screw culture!


Ilkidarios 12-15-2004 05:42 PM

Three points:
I like books.
The new art is no more art than the trash can in my back yard.
New music is nothing but a bunch of people complaining. Get up and do something you pansies!
The Greek logos means study of.

the_logos 12-15-2004 05:50 PM

A real cultural sophisticate you are! Well done! Art sucks! Yeah!


Ilkidarios 12-15-2004 05:54 PM

I do play computer games though. Not that those are very culturally sophisticated.

Aminaka 12-15-2004 09:56 PM

Hrrmph. Can we leave the poor squirrels out of this please?

--Jemima Bushytail, Admin. Tales of the Riverbank MUX

the_logos 12-15-2004 11:42 PM

Heh heh heh. Sorry about that. I assure you I meant no offence to squirrels, whom I am generally quite fond of, providing they're not trying to chew through the birdfeeders again.


wolfpaw 12-16-2004 12:19 AM

Beren 12-16-2004 02:35 AM

Aminaka 12-16-2004 04:55 AM

Well, that's all right then, but...

Actually, we squirrels don't flame each other in our MUX. We live in a Marxist Utopia (anagram) where every squirrel is equal and each of us get rewarded (usually hazelnuts more often than not) according to our needs and we all live rapturously in one big happy treetop.

Carry on. But please -do- be more careful in future.

--Jemima Bushytail, Hibernating Admin, Tales of the Riverbank MUX, port: something or other I shouldn't be surprised.

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