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blackmojo 05-27-2012 10:39 AM

trying to make a cmud trigger
I'm trying to make a cmud trigger where i see the direction fled in red.

Phillip Lambourne panics, and attempts to flee.
Phillip Lambourne leaves north.

camlorn 05-27-2012 03:33 PM

Re: trying to make a cmud trigger
Since no one else has chimed in:

Firstly, it's probably better to ask on any official client forum. If cmud has a forum try there.

Secondly, this involves a few things and probably isn't worth it.

You'll have to turn a trigger on when the flee message is received. Essentially, you're going to need two triggers, one that catches the flee message and another, normally disabled, that catches the leaves north line.

The bad news is, given the leaves north line only has one constant word, you have to use this approach or multiline triggers which only mushclient has any support for at all (and even then, I haven't found a document for that checkbox and don't know how to use it). In order to do this, you're looking at intermediate scripting, at least, possibly more depending on what to do with it.

You're the first person, ever, I've seen asking for help on cmud, so I'd not expect a fast answer here (this is when someone chimes in and proves me wrong). Find the client's official forum.

Ghostcat 05-27-2012 11:57 PM

Re: trying to make a cmud trigger
Try this.

Make a new trigger.
In the pattern field put: ^(*) panics, and attempts to flee.
Then in the actual script field put: #TEMP tempflee {^%1 leaves (*)} {#cw red}

This will detect the fleeing mob, save its name, then create a temporary trigger that will highlight the directional line in the desired color. The temporary script then deletes itself to save space.

Then come back and let me know if it worked. I can't actually test, since the mud I play doesn't act like that. Oh wait, there IS one mob that flees. Be back in a few.

EDIT: yep, that does it nicely. You can also replace red with other colors if you like.

blackmojo 05-28-2012 03:39 AM

Re: trying to make a cmud trigger
i got help from someone that played the mud i was makeing the trigger for ,i had asked on the cmud forum too . i got it set up where i dont have to save any names it auto matches any name . this trigger is for pkill more than mob kill , sniper classes like to flee shoot untell they get a stun shot and come in with a backstab

Ghostcat 05-28-2012 01:47 PM

Re: trying to make a cmud trigger
You mean it highlights every single flee message?

If I'd known that it would have taken me about 30 seconds xD

blackmojo 05-28-2012 02:30 PM

Re: trying to make a cmud trigger
no it hightlights the direction they flee

Ghostcat 05-28-2012 02:46 PM

Re: trying to make a cmud trigger
Right, right.

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