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Mabus 08-23-2007 07:25 AM

Pmotes, Smotes, Oh My!
Hey there,
A player has asked that we implement "pmotes and smotes" in our game. Now I understand they are just emotes with features, but would like opinions on what to include, avoid and even good implementation strategies.

First can anyone define pmote and define smote?

From what I gather pmote allows placement of the sources name anywhere in the striing. A check to make sure the name is included, and any sub-string filtering. Smote seems to be more a targeted emote, allowing placement of the source name and target name anywhere within the string.

I did code an emote (pmote) so far that allows placement of a character anywhere in the emote string and exchanges the character for the player's name or "you". Usage of words in the string that would require "s" or "es" to be removed (so far) to display correctly to the source is accomplished by placing the "s" or "es" in paranthesis. Seems kinda burdonsome and clunky. Thoughts? Ideas?

Now on targeted emotes (smotes, I think?) should I include items, and what seems the best way to allow switches in pronoun usage (he, she, it, herself, etc.)? Should a symbol+letter combination be used to allow for these pronoun changes?

And lastly, would it be best to combine all of these into a single emote command or keep them seperate?

Any thoughts, comments or even links to your games where I can see these commands, and various features surrounding them, in action would be appreciated.

mansa 08-23-2007 03:32 PM

Re: Pmotes, Smotes, Oh My!

ArmageddonMUD has a vast emote system. They have a 'semote' and a 'pemote', and an 'hemote', as well as a regular emote.

Check the help file here:

Or, copying and pasting:

More specific examples here:

Brody 08-23-2007 04:11 PM

Re: Pmotes, Smotes, Oh My!
I'm pretty happy with the free-form approach of the pose and @emit commands in PennMUSH - but this is for very specific codebases, generally intended for RP-heavy games like mine:



:does whatever he's doing, while his moose antlers wave in the wind.


Brody does whatever he's doing, while his moose antlers wave in the wind.



@emit As his moose antlers wave in the wind, Brody does whatever he's doing.


As his moose antlers wave in the wind, Brody does whatever he's doing.

The pose command just tacks text onto your name. The @emit command lets you shake things up, move phrases around, and avoid the repetition of your name at the beginning of every line. It also allows for the use of atmospheric emits and NPCs.

Milawe 08-23-2007 04:20 PM

Re: Pmotes, Smotes, Oh My!
My opinion would be to keep them separate. That way people can learn to use exactly what they need for their style of roleplay.

Davairus 08-24-2007 07:17 AM

Re: Pmotes, Smotes, Oh My!
Pmote's replace a player's name in a string with "you" when seen by the target of the social.
if I pmote waves at Mabus.
room sees: Davairus waves at Mabus
Mabus sees: Davairus waves at you

Its basically harmless and well worth implementing, as far as I have been able to tell.

Smote means, the emoter's name may appear anywhere in the string. Its like an Immortal's "poofin".

You want to be careful with SMOTE. Creative players will be able to readily abuse the command. I wish I could think of some terrible example but suffice it to say, if you have smote, you are going to have at the very least, end up with something like players emoting "John the Imm kneels before Twink and worships him." And the only way you can identify who really wrote that is to prefix the real name in front of it, which looks really ugly. Even outside the realm of vulgarity, there's still lots of ways to be very irresponsible with smote.

If you have some way to restrict smote, in theory that might help, because it is really nice for rp'ers to be able to emote things like "Tears run down RP'ers face". Unfortunately you will probably find that turns into a drama over who gets to use smote and who doesn't, and have to deal with a lot of complaining about that. Plus you might end up falling out with people you trusted and they let you down.

prof1515 08-24-2007 11:31 AM

Re: Pmotes, Smotes, Oh My!
Pmote as used in RPIs typically refers to a command which lets you temporarily change your long description which is the sentence people see which indicates your character is in a room. Typically, someone entering a room would see your character via the line:

A large man with brown hair stands here.

Additionally, you have a short description which is used by the code when emoting and with other commands like pmotes. In this example, your short description would be:

a large man with brown hair

If you used a pmote, the long description people see when they enter a room would be that of the pmote:

pmote stands near the door.

A large man with brown hair stands near the door.

They wouldn't see your normal long description, they'd see your pmote anytime they used the stand-alone look command. However, any movement by you typically resets your long description to your default.

As for smote, ask those who requested it what it stands for. I've heard of smote but have received conflicting examples of what the term refers to.

Take care,


Xerihae 08-24-2007 05:50 PM

Re: Pmotes, Smotes, Oh My!
I played on a MUD once (I think Avendar, not sure) that had SMOTE but didn't allow you to use the name of the games staff/immortals in the string as a way of avoiding abuse. SMOTE can be excellent for roleplayers as, on Avendar again, I actually took someone I was grouped with to my "home" and had a conversation with my "parents" all using SMOTE. Since the person was someone who wanted to get into role-playing but wasn't too sure how to go about it, they were very impressed. SMOTE can be used for all sorts of interesting things, but it's like the whole Spiderman thing. With great power ad naseum.

Jherlen 08-24-2007 08:12 PM

Re: Pmotes, Smotes, Oh My!
Looks like there isn't a consistent definition of pmote/smote across MUDs. Isn't surprising.

I play Armageddon, which mansa has already posted about, but I just wanted to point out that targetting emotes (as Davarius posted about) and starting an emote with something besides your name/sdesc (the @emit feature Brody posted) are both features that come packaged in the normal Armageddon emote command.

For example, on Armageddon I could do:

emote With a friendly smile, @ waves at ~mansa from across the thread.

Mansa would see:

"With a friendly smile, Jherlen waves at you from across the thread."

Everyone else sees:

"With a friendly smile, Jherlen waves at Mansa from across the thread."

So Armageddon's pemote command is virtually the same as our emote, the only difference being that pemotes start with the possessive "Jherlen's" rather than just "Jherlen". Our semote seems like it's something entirely original.

Mabus 08-25-2007 07:21 AM

Re: Pmotes, Smotes, Oh My!
I can see that there are several definitions to these.

I can see the pmote being a possesive emote, I like that definition.

So making smote be both targeted and/or untargeted, while requiring the source (but allowing source and target to be placed anywhere within the string), seems the way to go to me. Could do a lot of pronoun parsing, but maybe that is best left to the source.

As to potential abuse I am going to color the output string. Those that wish to remove the color can do so in their user preferences.

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