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takamori 07-23-2013 02:25 PM

Official Android App Launched for 3-Kingdoms
3-Kingdoms ( is proud to announce the launch of the official android interface for 3-Kingdoms: .

With features like touchable text, dynamic smart movement buttons, customizable onscreen button sets, and an integrated chat client, we are bringing a modern twist to this classic game.

3-Kingdoms description:
3 Kingdoms is an unparalleled adventure which, through many years of active development, has grown to be the largest and most advanced multiplayer online role-playing game in existence. Based around the mighty town of Pinnacle, three colossal realms beckon you to explore their mysteries. These kingdoms are known as: Fantasy, a vast medieval realm full of orcs, elves, dragons, and other mythical creatures; Science, a post-apocalyptic, war-torn world set in the not-so-distant future; and Chaos, a transient realm where the enormous realities of Fantasy and Science collide to produce creatures so bizarre that they have yet to be categorized.

aMud:3k is the feature rich, official Android interface to the online world of 3Kingdoms. aMud:3k is uniquely designed to interact with 3 Kingdoms, and has an unparalleled feature list tailored specifically for Android! With touchable text, customizable button sets, aliases, triggers, ticker, conditionals, integrated help system, and more, to make your adventure in 3Kingdoms as fun and interactive as you want. aMud:3k has an incredible depth of customization, and you can export and share your customizations with other aMud:3k users via our active support forums. aMud:3k can also read the export files of many other popular "generic" mud clients and adapt the to aMud:3k!

aMud:3k's development team is active and responsive to bugs and users suggestions and input at our . Not only is 3-Kingdoms alive and ever growing, so is your interface!

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