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Chapel 01-24-2003 03:07 AM

Alright so I'm building this awesome area on my building MUD and I want there to be a really violent area whereby aggressive mobs are so aggressive they will even attack other mobs in the area.

Now I've been told this uses a bit of memory, since its a constant thing activated the moment someone steps in the area and the mobs begin to roam...

The admin is pretty cool though and they said its my call. Now do I scrap the idea and find another way to try and regain the same effect? Or do I run the memory for the awesome effect a gangwar can produce?


Yazracor 01-24-2003 05:02 AM

Well, I do not know how low you really are on memory, If your admin says it's alright, it probably is, so go ahead. If you want a work-around, why not do the following?
Just add an "grall"-trigger (or whatever your codebase uses) to the mobs, so the fighting starts whenever someone enters the room. This way, you won't have all mobs in the area constantly fighting but only those really around the players. That means also you will not run out of mobs in more distant parts of the area because they are all killed before the players arrive there.
Hope this helps a bit

KaVir 01-24-2003 06:34 AM

I can't honestly see any reason why it would use any extra memory (unless the mobs are lopping off each others limbs or something), although it would certainly use a little more cpu time.

The main problem I see is not one of resources, but of game balance. Unless you plan the area very carefully, the mobs would constantly wipe each other out and there would be nothing left for the players to kill. In addition, players would be able to use mobs as tanks, and mobs might end up stealing kills, both of which are side affects you probably won't want.

Chapel 01-24-2003 11:29 AM

Hmmm, you both give very valid responses. Let me elaborate a little more. The effect of the area is that violence is happening 24/7, people should walk into rooms and see rotting corpses, injured mobs (this MUD has perm injury), and so forth. Perhaps even a mass melee of 6 - 7 mobs.

KaVir, totally unrelated....why is your signature so #### familiar?? What game is that from?


Ytrewtsu 01-24-2003 11:41 AM

That is where his signature comes about back to the beginning, I downloaded it a month or so ago and played for a while.


Mandrake 01-24-2003 12:09 PM

Enter the white house, through the kitchen window ... of course. Head upstairs to snag the rope and the nasty knife....but bring a light source. Lest it be pitch black, and you are likely to be eaten by a grue.

Zork is what seperates the venerable from the newbies.

Chapel 01-25-2003 03:33 AM

Ahhhh Zork.

Remember when games were good? Man, I'm young and I feel old....



Yazracor 01-25-2003 05:50 AM

Molly 01-25-2003 12:34 PM

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