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Brody 10-21-2004 10:43 PM

I've started a new Yahoogroup, called coMUnity, for players and developers of any and all MU*s to promote and discuss their games.

The link for the group is

Posting is unmoderated, but membership requires approval before posting is allowed.

Hardestadt 10-22-2004 12:04 PM

Brody 10-22-2004 12:08 PM

Malap 10-22-2004 09:23 PM

So what's special about it? What does it have that other mud discussion forums don't, especially given that it's not going to have anywhere near the number of people as here, TMC, mud-dev, etc.?

Brody 10-22-2004 09:29 PM

Hardestadt 10-23-2004 05:17 AM

I know what you mean.. but it is still one of the ugliest ways to do so. I'd join a new mud community, but not one on Yahoo.

Brody 10-23-2004 10:10 AM

Sorry to hear that.

Kenjar 10-25-2004 12:08 AM

(whoops, though an odd series of screw-ups I managed to doublepost. Disregard this)

Kenjar 10-25-2004 12:09 AM

I'm afraid i'd have to agree; although it is fine for sending important messages and news en masse, as I know you do for all the JTS games using it, but as an actual message board and place for people to share information Yahoo groups falls quite short. I'd personally suggest simply using a free messageboard service.

Fern 10-25-2004 05:43 AM

I've joined, not for the pretty Yahoo environment and stellar advertising, but to listen, learn and participate in the community.  There's always the option of receiving daily summaries if their nagvigation is too much to put up with (not a typo.. my term for the ad-interrupted progress).

Brody 10-25-2004 04:43 PM

I appreciate the suggestion. However, TMS already has forums that do that. TMC does too. And, as I stated, I'm not looking to replace them.

The other benefit of Yahoogroups is that, well, there are OTHER related Yahoogroups, and, as a result of shared visitor traffic, we may draw other (and possibly even NEW) people into the discussions.

The interface may not be the best in the world, but it's what a lot of people are using, and not all of them know about our hobby yet. This is one more possible way to get their attention.

Bottom line: It really can't hurt.

Brody 10-25-2004 04:45 PM

Very glad to have you aboard too. Extra exposure and free publicity are good, no matter what the outlet.

mikosevaar 11-05-2004 09:16 AM

I would join... But I had to join Yahoo first and that bugged out for me. Guess I am special. :]

Apart from that... I would like to say that I think its cool that people want to create new forums and places for mudders. The old sites could use some competition so they dont slack off. ;]

Brody 11-05-2004 11:38 AM

I could be wrong, but I think you can be a member of the group without signing up with Yahoo itself - getting a username and all that. The only reason you'd need to join Yahoo is to get access to files, polls and such. It wouldn't stop you from joining the discussions via email.

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