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Caxandra 05-01-2002 08:46 AM

Hiyo Caxandra the... hm.

Well, I'm now currently an 'unemployed' imm. I basically told me to unpack my desk, remove my character and go to some sunny safe spot. I had been the Amyrlin Seat(and Immortal Representative to a number of guilds outside the White Tower), and one of the Implementors of the game. I will probably return to work when I'm actaully not feeling as though I'm living through 'Full Metal Jacket' meets 'WoT themed roleplaying.' *twitchtwitch*

I worked.. well, I still do some things for AWW-- As the Wheel Weaves-- which I still believe is one of the best Wheel of Time themed muds around, and I hope that my enforced vacation doesn't do anything detrimental to the game play. I doubt my needed break would bring anything down on that place-- I know folks may not like me gone, but they know that the only reason to go play is for the family feel of it. I hope that stays.

In the mean time, I'm doing blase real life stuff. Like, making bread(punching the dough helps, really), getting ready to paint my bathroom, and yanno.. this floor really does need to be torn up and thrown out. I'm actually getting to work on time too, go fig.

Oh, I still mud-- but for the first time in 4 years, I'm mudding for *me*, not them. Lawdy, does being selfish feel GOOD. I have a few alts scampering about, and am beginning to remember how it felt when I first started mudding about 13 years ago. I remember my real life boss staring over my shoulder as I conquered things on Mortal Realms and *still* took the hardest tech support calls and answered the customer with ease and confidence. I just thought it was proof that women could multitask better...

Well, I believe I've babbled enough about myself here, yet once again.

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