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Aeran 04-26-2007 08:00 AM

I've looked a bit at and protocols and I am considering to implement atleast one of them. (If you don't know what imc2/intermud3 is about they enable a MUD to connect to a kind of 'chat server' which let you have global channels, to chat with players/admins on other MUDs).

They are both quite similar so I would like to hear people's experience about them. Which one do you recommend that I implement? Also why do you think these protocols aren't that very popular? Both seem to have relatively few MUDs connected to them, and the most common kind of game on them appears to be MUSH for some reason.

cratylus 04-26-2007 01:51 PM

I'm not sure I agree that there aren't many muds on i3.
You can look at a list of muds connected to the i3 router
I run on this url:

Sometimes it is less, sometimes more, and I'm not the only
person that runs a router. I imagine imc2 is comparable.

You'll also note that the majority of muds on i3 are LP muds.
This is mostly for historical reasons of like-minded developers
clustering together. There is nothing in the spec that favors
a particular kind of mud, and indeed, Diku derivatives show up
using Samson's i3 client.

Since I can't compare the two types of intermud, I'll just
describe i3 as being fairly chaotic and profane. On my router I
designate some channels that are protected from total
anarchy (see for details).

On the protected channels, I strictly forbid stuff like hate
speech, social engineering hacks, unwarranted newb bashing,
etc. But because i3 is a pretty open network, anyone can show
up and make trouble before I can try to reason with them, so
there's always a chance your screen will get ugly stuff.

That's the theory. In practice, i3 is roughly comparable to
mudconnector in terms of atmosphere, but without the profanity filters.
Some people are nice, some people are mean, sometimes it's
boring, sometimes it's's just a community, like
any other.

Does that help?


cratylus 04-26-2007 02:18 PM

Some technical notes:

I've gone over every line of the router code at one point or
another, so I'm pretty familiar with the implementation
router-side. If you have any questions or issues about
your implementation, come see me on 6666
and we'll talk it over.

You can also set up your own i3 router for testing purposes.
Dead Souls 2 comes with a working i3 router you
can tinker with to watch what happens as your client tries
to connect. You can download DS2 from:

The router code is in /secure/daemon/i3router


Samson 04-27-2007 02:56 PM

Well for obvious reasons I tend to lean toward implementation of imc2 mainly because it's what I use and develop for. For that reason I tend to know the server and client code fairly well. Personally I prefer the ability for imc2 to implement multiple servers to handle packet routing. As far as users go they won't notice the difference.

The majority of muds on imc2 are actually Diku derived, and of those, they're mainly Smaug muds because Smaug and several of its descendants have actively maintained imc2 client code in them. But as with I3 and Diku, there's no technical limitation keeping LP or any other codebase family from connecting. The protocol itself is openly documented and there are a couple of custom LP implementations out there.

We tend to be failrly laid back. Most people just chat randomly about whatever comes to mind. We don't tend to have a problem with haters with foul mouths showing up to make everyone miserable. There's a decent number of community developers there to help with coding and building issues as well. We also have a game bot which can run trivia and chaos games.

The server and client code are both freely available from the mudbytes community site and it is not required that you join our network in order to make use of the code.

Aeran 04-27-2007 05:53 PM

I might actually try to implement both protocols as they are very similar to eachother.

The imc2 protocol looks interesting with its routing support. The specification doesn't appear to explain how routers should comminicate properly with the network though. Also I remember it used to be possible to send board messages through imc2, but I didn't find anything about that in the specification. Was that feature dropped?

The imc2 specification states that you should send a clientpw and a serverpw. Why should two passwords be sent?

Samson 04-29-2007 12:30 AM

cratylus 07-16-2007 02:45 PM

Re: imc2 and intermud3
Not sure how I forgot to mention it before, but you can see
updated logs of intermud-3 channel chats here:


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