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Alajha 07-25-2002 01:41 PM

Can anyone tell me if there are any MU*'s out there that have a skill/Talent/plot line that allows for a world of dreams, dream walking, or anything of that ilk? (Please, no WoT MUDS; I'd like to try a different world) It's just always seemed cool to me, and I'd like to check it out under a non-WoT world.

Burr 07-25-2002 01:46 PM

Daedal Macabre has a dream world separate from their "real" world. But I think it's something any character can get to, not just "dreamwalkers". It's a skill that each character gets.

Wenlin 07-25-2002 02:36 PM

You said ilk!

ilk1 Pronunciation Key (lk)
Type or kind: can't trust people of that ilk.

So you want a dream walking, dream world (dream is so close to being spelled dragon) or something of that type or kind!

Yeah...DM has a dream skill for be true...and if it fails you might have good or bad dreams like.
You find 100000 gold in the treasure chest!
The big mean guard's attack ^-~-SLAUGHTERS-~-^ you!
You are DEAD!

Fun...this really has no relevance though, I just think the ilk word is funny.

Alajha 07-26-2002 09:44 AM

Kyrene 07-26-2002 09:57 AM

Rytorth 07-26-2002 01:49 PM

Well OS has a Realm of the Dream.'s more where the dead people and the people who aren't approved to go IC hang out. So...that probably isn't as helpful as it seemed when I thought of it.

SheWhoHasNoName 07-30-2002 02:48 PM

CoM has random dreaming when you sleep, but they can get spammy and it's the same dreams over and over anyways.

The MUD I'm working on has a pretty simple dream system where Immortals can create dreams for people that could either repeat several times or just cycle through once. The dream can be anything or everything, religion related, prophecies, whatever the immortal comes up with.

Don't know anything about a whole seperate dream world though.

Alajha 07-31-2002 12:23 AM

Alajha 07-31-2002 12:26 AM

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