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gutterzombie 01-26-2004 10:12 PM

Jaewyn 01-26-2004 11:34 PM

A little more information required, what sort of scripting are you talking about? For a codebase, if so which one, for a mud client, if so which one, so other form of scripting, if so what exactly?

gutterzombie 01-27-2004 11:54 AM

Jaewyn 01-27-2004 05:10 PM

Sorry, I don't know anything about Circle code, perhaps someone else can help?

Tezcatlipoca 01-27-2004 06:06 PM

I also don't know much about the structure of the CIRCLE code base, but i do know a bit about that which it's derived from. So my question is, are you refering to the actual hard code (that which isn't a script or written in a scripting language) or are you refering to things such as Mob programs which builders use to enhance their areas? Or lastly, are you refering to a completely different module that I wasn't aware CIRCLE had (due to my inexperience with it)?

Molly 01-28-2004 11:19 AM

If what you are asking about is mob_progs, which also are called scripts in some codebases, Circle uses something called DG_scripts.

There is a mailing list about it with a FAQ list on this address:
FAQ / Archives:

The people on the mailing list are mostly very friendly and helpful.

DG_scripts also have a website here:

Hope this helps. The DG_scripts are very versatile and can be used for rooms, mobs and objects.

gutterzombie 01-28-2004 01:30 PM

yea thats what i needed thanks

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