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the_logos 06-26-2004 01:13 AM

Achaea's pleased to introduce a reasonably historically accurate system of heraldry today. Although a help file can be viewed , a brief explanation of the system follows.

Once a player has purchased a Heraldry license, he or she may register coats of arms for people or organizations, who are known as Armigers. The Herald will work with you to create an appropriate design, using Divisions, Lines, Ordinaries, Tinctures, and Charges, and one ends up with a coat of arms described in accurate historical tradition as:

"Purpure, a bend wavy Vert between three moons crescent in bend Tenne."

Translated (there'll be a way to automatically translate them soon) that is, "Three orange-coloured crescent moons set on a wavy diagonal blue bar on an undivided purple field."

Just another addition to an already incredibly deep and developed world. Come check us out!


Ogma 06-26-2004 01:34 AM

Sounds like a semi-realistic system, but does it truly ignore the rule of no metal on metal or tincture on tincture? The arms you described would never pass a real herald.

the_logos 06-26-2004 02:04 PM

Quite frankly I have no idea. Achaea's producer designed it and implemented it. I personally know next to nothing about heraldry aside from some basic rules, and what the terms mean.


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