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Fern 04-13-2006 05:41 PM

What's yours?

Mine is varying by the hour at the moment, between a fragile point in traceroute somewhere near LA that is lagging us beyond belief, and a chicken voter on MudMagic who's gotta vote from behind a proxy for fear we'll find out who's down-voting the game.

Your turn..

Milawe 04-13-2006 05:46 PM


I don't like elitism. Sometimes people are elitist about their race, sex, gender, religion, class, or political persuasion.

Then there's elitism in gaming which is even more annoying. People find reasons to be elitist about RP, PvP, pay for perks, free to play, and goats! I really hate the people who are elitist about goats.

Elitists are extremely stressed out people.

Fern 04-13-2006 05:50 PM

So are goats, from what I hear!

Add to my list:  voice mail systems  (to hear more about this, press 1)

Ellie 04-13-2006 05:52 PM

Davairus 04-13-2006 06:14 PM

having to vote

Milawe 04-13-2006 06:21 PM

What kind of voting? On TMS? For crooked politicians? For GOATS??

ScourgeX 04-13-2006 06:39 PM

Traveler 04-13-2006 07:14 PM

Dishonesty. People who feel a need to denegrate especially in a loud obnoxious manner.

Fern 04-13-2006 07:23 PM

*cheers you on and adds to her list*  Doctors, MRIs and doppler scans, and prescription insurance coverage with claim forms that can't be understood by the average human.


the_logos 04-13-2006 07:27 PM

Unreliable people. Dirty restaurants. Ben Affleck.


Kallekins 04-13-2006 07:29 PM

especially pretentious ones.

the_logos 04-13-2006 07:30 PM

People like Ben Affleck! Sweet.


Baram 04-13-2006 07:35 PM

I'll go with people, expecially those that are idiots and can't do the job they claimed they could do...

Oh, and people that do nothing but think they are important...

Traveler 04-13-2006 07:40 PM

God, I could rant on that one but I won't. Not to imply I would be ranting at you.

To add to the list.

When the NY Rangers lose.

the_logos 04-13-2006 07:41 PM

It's like one big hive mind here today. I assume you're referring to your friend and mine, Ben Affleck?


Baram 04-13-2006 07:44 PM

the_logos 04-13-2006 07:48 PM

Heh, well, there's certainly a reason I fired him.


prof1515 04-13-2006 09:48 PM

Avoid Ross's ("Home of the Magic Mountain" which we suggested might have been a reference to our waitress) in the Quad Cities.  Horrible place.  The service was horrible.  The food wasn't very good.  The waitress delivered my friend's to the wrong table and when she was flagged back, she just picked it up and brought it to him (not knowing whether or not the other people had spit in it or anything, she should have brought him a new meal).  The waitress never returned to our table after delivering our "food".  She never informed us of their free-refills policy (we learned that as we were leaving, it's only posted at the cash register and on the soda fountain (but she delivers the drinks full the first time so there was no way for us to know that).  It had all the ambiance of a highway diner crossed with a garage.

If cold, poor-tasting food, horrible service, and average prices appeal to you, Ross's is your pig sty! If not, keep moving...FAST!

Jazuela 04-13-2006 09:56 PM

2-way Nextel thingies. Cell phones. People who insist on using either in public restaurants where other people are trying to enjoy their meals WITHOUT OTHER PEOPLE YELLING INTO SOME STUPID MACHINE!!!111oneoneone

People who impatiently rush to the counter to order lunch, during the lunch rush, then stand there staring at the menu on the wall while the line backs out the door. Y'know, that menu they could see easily the moment they walked into the building.

People who order their lunch, take a half hour to find that one penny in the bottom of their 50-pound pocketbook and INSIST "oh - oh I have the change, just a sec" while the line backs out the door, and won't let me just hand them the change for their $12.91 order. Nope, they just gotta have that dime, the other 18 people waiting behind them can damned well wait that half hour til they find the penny.

People who put their diapered children on the countertop while they order. Do they have ANY idea how disgusting that is? I don't care how clean your kid's butt is. Get it OFF the lunch counter.

People who either don't ever use turn signals, or use them and don't turn them off when they're done shifting lanes.

The next door neighbor's kid's friends, who get the odd notion that parking in their driveway with the car doors all open, and their subwoofer blasting a hole in the ozone at 3000 decibles is fun for the whole neighborhood. ESPECIALLY since they have lousy taste in music.

The fire department, who conveniently forgets at least once a week that we have an agreement with them that they'll turn OFF their sirens half a block before they turn the corner into my driveway, so they can get to the senior housing behind my property, to tell the old bat in apartment 4G that no, her fan is NOT an exhaust fan, and yes, every time she uses it when she's cooking marinara sauce, the fire alarm WILL go off.

People who make fun of the disabled. Further, people who make fun of them, and expect everyone else to think they're being clever.

Avocados, eggplants, and artichokes.

The_Disciple 04-14-2006 01:34 AM

Man, I'm with you up to a point, but I love Chasing Amy.

I'm trying to think of another movie I liked him in and am coming up blank, though.

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