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Tjnet88 02-02-2004 07:49 PM

Just what the title said. (Just incase i'm not supposed to do this i didnt see any posting guidlines so thats why i went ahead and posted)

Yuki 02-03-2004 01:35 AM

Aren't you the same person who about 2 days ago wanted info on starting a new mud? I think you're getting a little ahead of yourself already, my opinion.

Well, if you think you aren't, maybe if post more information, some higher quality coders might reply, or at least a few more.

Tjnet88 02-03-2004 05:38 PM

Coders: Any
Host:Searching for one
Gameplay:All Unique, No code snippits from any other game or parts of any other game, Role playing hack in slash (Plays like The Eternel city a bit)
For more info just ask

Jazuela 02-03-2004 06:38 PM

So, you want a coder, to code a game that doesn't have any particular theme, that doesn't have any particular code, that doesn't even exist in a shell because you don't have a host yet, and can't have any snippets of code from elsewhere.

I don't think you have even the slightest idea of what you're looking for. If you find a coder who knows DIKU, how would you even know that it's what you want, or that you don't want? Of course, since you don't want "code snippets" from any other game, you're saying you don't want a coder who would code in any already-existing code. And that means you want either a codebase created just for your game, or you want to work with a base language such as C.

If you don't understand what I'm saying...if even a fraction of a sentence escapes you, please - do yourself a favor. Don't waste your time looking for a coder. Learn what a coder IS. Learn what a code IS. Learn what goes on behind the scenes in a MUD. Be an IMM in a mud for awhile and learn the tools yourself.

Coders aren't going to line up at your e-mail box to sit there waiting for you to decide what you want. You have to know what you want first. THEN ask for help.

Torren 02-24-2004 07:22 PM

Looks like Raith and Tjnet88 should get together.

Have a coder who doesn't know what to do yet with an IMP that doesn't know what he wants.

Seems like a match made in heaven to me.


Raith 02-24-2004 08:43 PM

Jazuela is quite correct, Tjnet88. It is often better to learn how a MUD works, why it works that way, and what you have enjoyed personally before you try to create something that actually will have substance.

That was probably the most pathetically inaccurate reply that I have seen in my short history here. I respect people who try to help someone understand things, and I respect people who have the courage to tell people that sometimes they just can't do what they want. However, I absolutely loathe the random idiot who stalks posts and tries to toss a low-blow in at some random person who doesn't really even relate to the topic. Even worse, I hate when that random idiot doesn't even get his facts straight. So, after saying that, How can that apply to this situation ?

Torren 02-25-2004 11:04 AM

Actually I was quite serious. You and Tjnet88 could help each other. As you said before that you know how to code. So help him pick out a code base and have at it. Tjnet88 has, as you put it idea to push the envelope. You two would be a fit once your settled on an idea. But hey sorry for trying to help.

Raith 02-25-2004 04:19 PM

Then I do apologize.

I did take that as an insult, but no you did misunderstand my other topic. Which is when you posted this reply I thought you morphed the subject to be insulting.

Once again, I'm sorry.

Torren 02-25-2004 05:50 PM

I reread my post and yeah I came off baddly. But seriously if not Tjnet88 find some one else. Yeah its nice to be an assistant coder but if you have idea they can get stalled as you do what the head coder wants.
If you go with an IMP that is new the job as well that helps as well.

I started as an assistant coder which lasted a whole week then the IMP closed the mud due to RL issues. I then found myself as head coder with a builder and IMP that had some great ideas, I'm not much on thinking them up but implementing them I can do. I had a much more enjoyable time.

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