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WarHound 05-22-2005 04:42 AM

Delerak 05-22-2005 08:01 AM

Even though I hate doing it. I have to agree, good review.


Delstro 05-22-2005 10:18 AM

I use that downtime to play the wonderful game of Life.
Go watch movies. I watched the new Star wars Yeserday.

Kopribear 05-22-2005 01:58 PM

People like you don't deserve the wonderfulness of Star Wars.

IMHO anyway.


the_logos 05-22-2005 03:08 PM

Out of curiosity, they DO they go down for 10 hours every week? I know the answer broadly is 'maintenance' but what maintenance requires you to be down regularly? Not a flame, just curious.


Delstro 05-22-2005 03:15 PM

They add Code. For instance, They have added these major changes in the past month or so.
 "Contact now allows you to specify one or more keywords to reach the person you want.  See help contact for more information.

 You can now rest/sleep/stand at/on appropriate items.  See appropriate helpfiles for more information.  

 You can now emote while changing position.  See 'help command emotes' for syntax and details.

 A long standing bug in movement has been fixed (we hope).  When following someone faster than you, you will no longer accumulate unending lag but will instead fall behind them and stop following after a few rooms."

They added a Script In-game where you can Rent an apartment from an NPC to store your goods and have Mudsexx and get assassinated.

They fix typoes and bug.

They Load tons of things for the PC Merchants in the Three Selling Merchant Houses.
For instance, the Clothing and fine arts house, House Kadius has shops and every week those shops' inventories rotate to keep up with the Current Trends In-game.

They Do the Ten Hours for that because not every Imm can be on in the same two hours, so they make it broader so the Imms can do things when they want. They aren't paid for it.

the_logos 05-22-2005 03:24 PM

Ahhh. I didn't actually realize Armaggedon was DIKU. I had been under the impression they were running a semi-custom engine. Dunno why I thought that. Makes sense now.


Jazuela 05-22-2005 03:31 PM

the_logos 05-22-2005 03:51 PM

Nod, I understand. We're able to hotload all changes so it's not an issue for us, but if we needed to reboot to load them, I think we might have adopted a system much like that. It's good thinking.


Delerak 05-22-2005 05:58 PM

Gaare 05-22-2005 10:36 PM

From review:

I guess our average age of the player population is much higher than an ordinary MU* of this type (In last GDB post, it was around 21-22). Please do not misunderstand, I am not saying 16- can not RP or such, but that's a fact that ARM expects some maturity... Not for light hearted really.. On the other hand, you can not know if this mud is for you or not if you do not try your chance.

From another review:

Shortly, players and IMMs are VERY friendly, but PCs and NPCs are not.

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