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Shao_Long 05-17-2002 05:25 AM

I suppose a lot of people would be happy to hear this,but hell if I care about those who will.
This place really needs some manner-teacher.
I dont understand,do really all these 400 hundred of those who are posting there share the opinion that Seth,Likita and me are the bad guys around ? Or just this isnt worth your precious attention ? Or you just dont want to mess with people who like to flame ?
No way that Seth was the ba$ta^d here ! he was with TMS for no less then year,I think more then year,but hell,he was banned just because he got pi$$ed that some morons keep bs'ing around.Not he had to be banned there,oh no..
Now,if you all really think that Seth,and me,and Likita were the evil here,allright.Good-bye,Im getting out,cuz this isnt worth it.Its just a pile of SH** then.
Would be nice to hear other's opinions thought..If you have them.

Grey 05-17-2002 05:51 AM

I think opinions are greyt to have. Personally, I'm widely dislike on a number of MUDs for having opinions and utilizing things like discussion boards. When you have something like a large site with various forums, you're going to always have a few flamers and things who don't like what you're posting. I think instead of following up posts with standpoints against previous points (unless asked in previous posts), you should simply state your views.
These forums are here for our enjoyment, we don't pay for them or anything so we should not take advantage of it without helping to regulate them a little as well. Moderators can only catch so much. Regular go'ers like Seth and Shao_Long are perfect examples of guys who hit the forums daily and know what's going on. I check in here once every few days and I appreciate the opinions people have to a greyt degree. No one person is to blame ever, but the group will always take the fall.
Fact remains, manners are needed in all forums, even the flame forums. No one should be restricted access because they have an opinion. There are players on my MUD who hate me, but that doesn't mean I can remove them; I allow them the liberty to play if they want, it's just some words, albeit some ring truer and stronger than others.
I don't think anyone is evil Shao, I think you guys have good opinions and there is always a place and a time to share it. Sometimes people go overboard and it happens. Well, that's my opinion anyway. I'm a big supported of free speech and action. Deal with it.

~Grey (frozen)

Shao_Long 05-17-2002 06:09 AM

KaVir 05-17-2002 06:46 AM

I think the point you're missing is that the reason you and the others were flamed is because you demonstrated such bad manners. These discussion forums are for all of us, and by spamming and posting completely off-topic posts, you're ruining them for everyone. You were asked politely, but just ignored the requests. You were then flamed, but you're still not showing any manners. And no, I don't think you're "evil", just a kid who wants some attention - the trouble is, you're doing so at the expense of all the other posters, and that's very inconsiderate. Myself and the other moderators are trying to improve the signal/noise ratio of these forums, but you're really not making it easy for us. Please try to remember that these forums are not your private playground - they are a place for hundreds of mudders to meet and talk about muds.

In response to Grey, I'd like to point out that Seth didn't get banned for his spam, or his off-topic posts. He didn't get banned for repeatedly badmouthing the site, the moderators and the other posters. He didn't get banned for his flames or insults. He was banned for continuing to make racist remarks even after being warned. You say that Seth shouldn't have been removed for making racist statements? However I notice from your profile that you live in New York, so tell me - if Seth had been making racist remarks concerning New Yorkers and the Twin Towers tragedy, would you have been equally happy for him to allowed to continue posting? Or do you think people should be allowed to make any racist remarks they like as long as those remarks don't affect you personally?

Orion Elder 05-17-2002 07:03 AM

Shao_long, please let the subject of spamming/flaming die. You continually keep bringing it up.

No one likes your spam, and you got flamed for doing it. If you can't handle that feel free to leave... however by posting this pointless thread you have simply brought the issue up again after it had been dealt with. Thus yet again you demonstrate the lack of that which you claim people need.

Let it die.

On the issue of the reason Seth was banned (as it does pertain to manners, and not the repeated spammer/flamer garbage) feel free to continue.

Shao_Long 05-17-2002 07:11 AM

well,i posted this one not for hearing your opinion,Orion Elder, or your,KaVir..I heard it many times.
I still want to hear thought what others do feel about it,if they feel anything at all.
and , show me that my spam.
show me,and I wont be asking you to do it again,but just stop repeating same stuff again and again.

(btw,where did my previous post gone ? its just a bug or you didnt liked it ?)

Orion Elder 05-17-2002 07:15 AM

I said drop the issue of the spamming/flaming. Is it truly that hard for you to comprehend that simple little statement? Drop it. The forums have just now started to get back on track, having meaningful posts showing up again...


Shao_Long 05-17-2002 07:40 AM

a question to Orion Elder off topic : do you always delete posts that often or its just me ?

Kastagaar 05-17-2002 08:15 AM

Sure. How about this entire thread.


Shao_Long 05-17-2002 08:49 AM

did you noticed about what it was,and do you call the post itself or Grey's answer a spam ?

Synozeer 05-17-2002 09:20 AM

How about we let the discussions about spam die off and talk about MUDs? Things have cooled down the past few days, and I don't want to see pointless discussions and polls about what is spam, what isn't spam, how do you feel about spam, do you think I spam, do you eat spam, etc.

Let's just consider this a subtle warning...


Kastagaar 05-17-2002 09:20 AM

Was there some part of <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>THIS ENTIRE THREAD</span> that was ambiguous?


Astin 05-17-2002 10:43 AM

Well most people have less than 200 posts here basically the higher ones and in the low hundreds. You have posted 324 posts since the posting of this note. Could one person possibly have that many meaningful posts in the little over a month I guess that the new forums have been in place. Especially when at the date and time of this post there was only 323 topics started thought the forums.

*First and last comment on spamming and spammers*

                -- Astin

Shao_Long 05-17-2002 03:48 PM would advice me to sit silent and eat all the insults some nice people were dumping on me and what's more important,on my friends ?
you can call it self-defence.And,hmm..I think we really should drop the topic if Syno wants it so.
All the coments on spam - to personal messenger plz.

Gad 05-17-2002 04:17 PM

I think we can all agree that good manners includes keeping posts free from racism, sexist remarks, and derogatory comments in general. IMO good manners would also include keeping comments to the point and well written (ie: you are wasting the time of others and therefore being rude otherwise). It also means only posting when you have something of value to add to the discussion. I have read many posts by those who have in excess of 200 posts and have found that a good many of them do not hold any value. The mental image I get is of Jar Jar Binks ala Star Wars Episode One; he was constantly talking, but only about 10% (I'm being generous) of what he said had any importance.

Molly 05-17-2002 06:43 PM

Manners should be basically the same on a Discussion Board as in the Real World. You cannot hide behind the pseudo-anonymity on the net, because there are real persons behind each pseudonym. And every action of yours has consequenses, like rings on the water. So, in the words of the Good Book, don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you. You reap what you sow. It's as simple as that, really.

If you act mature, sensibly and polite, most people will treat you with courtesy and respect. If you act like a jerk, you get treated like a jerk. If you act like a kid, you get treated like a kid. Is that really so hard to understand?

Being unnecessary rude is bad manners. But a kid, who is constantly craving the attention of the grown-ups, is also regarded as really bad mannered, and also extremely irritating. And right now, Shao_long, that is the impression you are giving to me. A small kid, rolling on the floor, kicking and screaming, because it doesn't get its way. You should really try to listen to what people are trying to tell you, and STOP these meaningless threads. Close the subject. It lost all interest long ago to anybody but yourself.

As for Seth, I have occasionally enjoyed some of his posts in the past, but he was very rightfully banned for repeated racist slurs, and I fully support Synozeer's decision. Racial, sexual or religious slurs should NEVER be tolerated in any decent community. I would have banned him instantly, if he had said things like that in my mud.

Orion Elder 05-17-2002 11:03 PM

Shao_long, just for your information, you should have dropped it the first time I told you to. The fact that Synozeer keeps agreeing with me and telling you the same thing should be a clue to that ends.

As for the part about manners, I agree with Molly and Gad both. Ignorance of manners with good friends is usually tolerable... you usually set understood rules with your friends of what is tolerable and what is not. In an open community, such as this, where anyone can walk right into the middle of a discussion you have to be considerate. Does this mean be PC and worry about everything you say? Absolutely not. Does it mean think about how what you say might affect others? Positively.

Think about it this way. A group of people is discussing philosophy. You walk in and start saying, 'Puppycat eat chicken noses. Fly ratdog fly!' Do they have a right to be irritated? Yes. Why? You just interrupted their discussion, for absolutely no reason other than to garner some attention for yourself. Thus where manners come in. Manners would tell you to not disturb their discussion unless you had something relevant to what they were saying.

Just a thought.

Shao_Long 05-18-2002 06:01 AM

Allright,lets take it this way.
I walk in saying 'fly ratdog fly'.Pair of my friends do the same.
These filosofers continue to talk.
Some time passes.It looks like everyone forgot that.
Then,someone tells a joke,and all these filosofers all of sudden begin yelling and screaming at that bunch of people.
I constantly try to ask : what's wrong ?
After some time,Im answered.I apologize,althought insults are still heard,and no end to them is seen.Surely I dont think anyone was hoping for me to shut up if Im constantly called an idiot or something ?

So ugh,well..Lets all try to forget this junk at all,eh ?

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