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LikitaRenn 05-04-2002 12:55 AM

maybe, instead of the useless conjuncture and assumptions of various people, this will give us an idea of what you people REALLY think........... just so we know what we're talking about in our little "debate"


Alastair 05-04-2002 12:59 AM

You missed the option "cut the spam or shut up". Count that as my vote (I hit the null vote on purpose).

Bringing this to a popularity contest is utterly stupid. But I expect you're really going to find out just how funny people find spam.

LikitaRenn 05-04-2002 01:07 AM

Orion Elder 05-04-2002 01:49 AM

At the time of my vote, 80% of the people voting said they wished you would leave or shut up. So, four out of five wish you would leave or shut up... and one didn't care either way. I wonder who could have made that vote. *shrug*

Dulan 05-04-2002 02:00 AM

85.71% for me when I voted.

I'd say that this is going on an ovewhelming landslide now.

But, that first one should be, 'Cut the spam, leave, or shut up'.


Noximist 05-04-2002 02:20 AM

I admit it, I was one of the 'leave or shut up' voters - though I agree that a 'cut the spam or leave/shut up' option would've been more appropriate. I'm not going to write a big meandering post on the subject, since pretty much everything has already been covered, but I will say my piece. I like to consider myself a reasonably tolerant person... I wince but read through endless sentences written with caps lock on, excessive and nearly blinding punctuation, and other quirks that are generally considered inappropriate anywhere on the Internet. I do my level best to ignore the occasional trolls who plague the various forums I frequent. I ignore spam.

Well, I try. When all of the active threads shown on the opening screen are useless ones, it's a lot harder. Unfortunately, I don't have all day to sit and read the posts here, and used to rely on that little box to let me know what I should be looking at, along with a brief glance over the full list. To be honest, I've all but given up on TMS, like I have TMC, which is why I post so rarely. It's depressing, because I really -like- discussions, and I like sharing my ideas with those who can appreciate and critique or augment them. Debates make me happy, too - I've read through some of the longest threads I've ever seen because every post was interesting, and I don't begrudge those wasted hours.

But right now, there's almost nothing here worth reading, when you compare it to the staggering number of threads that mean nothing at all, and the number choked with add-ons that add little, if anything. If I were a newbie, I'd not have stayed more than a day; TMS is starting to resemble one of thousands of other boards supposedly aimed at a given topic, but in reality overrun with frivolties. I'm comforted by the fact that the moderators are at work here in most of the sections, and whenever I have free time again (does that ever happen? Does it?! *frazzled look*), I plan to post there. I just wish things looked like they did a year ago, even. *shrugs*

Samson 05-04-2002 02:38 AM

Reason I stopped wasting time on TMC was because of mindless spam. The place is a craphole now because of it. Hate to say it, but TMS is turning into the same since the spam movement settled in. And frankly, I settled for the option labeled "leave or shut up" since you left out the option of "be banned and never allowed to return".

Shao_Long 05-04-2002 06:13 AM

hmm..thats really interesting,as for me at least..
You unhappy with that we are often posting so called meaningless posts.I agree,yea,i myself often post different stuff that has not much to do with development of muds or whatever.
But hey,am I posting my 'spam' on discussion boards ??

i never seen any too serious discussions at tavern of blue hand !
So whats the problem ? it takes you a 30 seconds more to see new topics ?

Dionae 05-04-2002 06:23 AM

Well, the thing is that it can be pretty annoying. I personally don't want to have to skim through a thread in order to find the meaningful posts. And most of what you guys have been writing just.. doesn't make sense. Or it's just stupid. No offense, but I'd kind of like to see it stopped.

Like some people have said, one reason I liked it here better than tmc is because of all the senseless spammy posts, which I don't particularly like having to sift through. It's nice that you guys like having fun, but you should also respect the wishes of the other posters who frequent here.

-NeMeSiS- 05-04-2002 06:41 AM

Ill let this post to serve also a bit as 'introduce yourself',because I havent posted here before.

I was with TMS already for about 2 years.Yes,interesting discussions,also interesting people.
I can say one thing : I liked it.
Now.I cant already say the same about people here.
What have actually these 'spammers' done to you ?
Yes,I agree,Shao_Long and Likita and sometimes Xanferious with Seth too do things which may be called spam.
However,they are not doing this in any of serious disscussions.
I see one thing : These 'twits' (by the way,Dulan,Orion and Alstair,now this is your fault - they havent insulted you first,and there you are childish) havent actually caused any harm for me,neither not for any of you,if to look deeper. Yes,recent posts now are often overtaken by them,but is this such a big problem to jump on them like this ?
This more looks like you dont like them - you start picking on them.Actually ,this all looks like a BIG LOAD OF CR&& for me.

Hmm..I've actually have broken my rule for now - no interference..But I couldnt stand seeing their names washed in dirt anymore.You guys are acting like a big bunch of a$$h0l^$ now. I would suggest you apologize before Shao,Likita,Seth and Xanf,and best of all


I already saw THREE forums completely killed by jerks who didnt liked something about some people,who tried to have some fun.And now,you are looking funny.

---The watching Eye from the Sky---

PS. I ask you again.Stop this madness.I dont like posting.

Seth 05-04-2002 09:02 AM

I thought I had withdrawn myself from spamming which pretty much made me neutral? Or at least something similiar to that which would prevent me from getting my butt kicked if something bad WERE to happen in time... Hence why I will ask people NOT tothink of me as they vote for this poll. (Even tho Likita did write me down as a "spammer")

Xanferious 05-04-2002 10:07 AM

Sorry guys but i dont spam and this poll is retarded.
and what makes you think i belong to your little group?

KaVir 05-04-2002 10:19 AM

I just wish you people would try to show a little more consideration for the service (TMS) which has been provided for you. I'm glad to see that Seth has started calming down, and even Xanferious has demonstrated that he is capable of making worthwhile contributions when he puts his mind to it - but it's still going to take effort to get these forums back to the state they used to be.

There's nothing wrong the occasional humourous post, and the occasional flame war is only natural, but there is a limit - and several posters have crossed it.

kvirk 05-04-2002 10:39 AM

You keep telling that somebody has been overspamming and stuff..well,is there many people spamming now ?
no.and,most interesting,the people begun complaining about spam A LOT of time after the spam itself (if it was spam) happened.
And,I would say,Shaolong and Likita and Xanferious and Seth now too have a lot to complain about.You have almost turned their names to some bad words,even though they havent done anything at all !
Yes,Shaolong have spammed a bit,Likita maybe too,but you have been FAR too harsh to them.
You were acting like if they are enemies,not the members of this community too.
Heh,after you begun picking on them,have they been spamming at least a bit ?

--- dr.Kvirk

Tavish 05-04-2002 10:58 AM

I agree

kvirk 05-04-2002 11:06 AM

Mason 05-04-2002 11:11 AM

I offered my opinion a while ago on this subject, but have since stopped as I am only willing to bang my head against the wall so many times before realizing that it won't break.  Nonetheless, I do wish the spam would stop.

However, what brings me to post again is what I believe is something even more disingenuous.  I believe kvirk and shao_long are one and the same.  They both use more commas then necessary, they both start a new paragraph for every sentence, they both use caps, they both use improper grammar and the both have bad spelling.  However, it is the commas and new paragraphs that lead me to this deduction.  Moreover, in the need advice thread kvirk started he says to email him at SL@blahblah.  SL = shao_long?

If you know you are wrong just accept it.  Making up new characters to vote and post agreements is beyond childish.  It is deceptive and dishonest.

Edited to add more information:

as of 10:27 am 5/4/2002

shao_long : last profile update 6:53 am 5/4/2002
Kvirk : Registered at 6:21 am 5/4/2002

So we know both were up at same time. And it looks like shao_long changed his profile to hide information.

Yui Unifex 05-04-2002 11:18 AM

Mason: Nail and head.

: From kvirk's advice thread:

Orion Elder 05-04-2002 11:35 AM

kvirk 05-04-2002 11:40 AM

Hmm..A nice idea,actually,but I'd said no.Im not Shaolong,though Im tend to think you'll wont believe me anyways..

I dont know,if its interesting for any of you,and I actually dont know,will you trust it,but I actually dont care,so why not tell you ?
is something like public email actually, and its actually used by approx ~10 people I suppose.
And,now just try to be logical : why would ANYONE at all need to create a profile ? for votes or to make agreements ? heh,its rather funny..

And by the way,this site was recommended to me by one guy named -=Saga=- and as far as I know,he knows one guy named SL,who might be just yours Shaolong.

Now,I just saw your update..Which details would Shaolong be 'hiding' ?

I'll say how its called - its called paranoidal syndrome and it this stuff means this : you're accusing everyone you see just to accuse,without giving a slightest though,if your accusation really has anything to rely on.

Have you ever heard about Okkama's method ?

hmm...I see I myself am already dragged into your flame war...Remember my post : us and them ? You again are trying to categorize everyone as either we or them..

--- dr.Kvirk

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