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LikitaRenn 08-02-2002 05:46 PM

Molly 08-02-2002 06:11 PM

Robbert 08-02-2002 06:46 PM

If you can post, you don't need to ask if you can come back.

I personally don't want you back. I belief in finality, and the power of repercussions. I didn't like your posts before, I don't like this one, and I will most likely not like yours future posts. Go find a Dragonball:Z MUD and annoy them, instead.

Once you're bored with being 'back', you'll do something self-serving, stupid, and annoying to ease -your- boredom.

I'd rather it be elsewhere than here.

Defiler 08-02-2002 07:10 PM

People can change Robbert. It is always worth giving a second chance.

Further than that, I personally feel its always worth giving one final undeserved chance (publically acknowledged as such). If people don't learn after that, you've obtained an overwhelming moral majority.

Shao_Long 08-03-2002 08:42 AM

RavenDM 08-03-2002 03:17 PM

Wow... meta-spam.

Wenlin 08-03-2002 04:03 PM

Hey look, its a dog, eating chicken!


Orion Elder 08-03-2002 09:26 PM

MOST won't mind your coming back as long as you adhere to the rules in place... however, if the above is what your 'coming back' causes, then I think most would be just as happy for you to stay gone.

Feel free to stay and post, so long as you adhere to the rules of this forum.

Quicksilver 08-04-2002 04:09 AM

LikitaRenn wrote:
 To bring this further in line with MU*s  (and not as any kind of reference to any behaviour on this forum) I'd like to use Likita's post for some opinions.
 We've had a few players who got banned for behaviour problems on our mud, and then after a couple weeks (months, days, depends on the player) they would e-mail us, or go on a friend's account and pose the same plea Likita posted above. (Content varied slightly, but all had the same general qualities. At least one claimed that we could always ban him again if he didn't behave.)
 At what point does one say enough?  We firmly believe in giving people a second chance, but in some of these cases we gave the supposedly sincere ones 4th, 5th, 6th, etc., chances, only to get this same kind of note when they got bored elsewhere.
 When do you draw the line on letting them back? Does permbanning justify NEVER letting them come back? Short of them hacking the server, how does one decide whom should not be accepted at face value?
 When does "I'm sorry! I'll never do it again. Can I come back? Puh-LEEEASSSSSSSSSSE??"
stop being accepted as being penitent enough to allow them back?
 Lenient? Draconian? Case by Case basis? Based off the player and what they do? Based off the player and what they did LAST time? Based off how many people you think might quit if they find out the person is coming back?
 All of the above?
 I would like to hear how other administrators handle this situation in a mud on a general basis.

Ingham 08-04-2002 12:34 PM

Well, there simply is no easy way to deal with people, considering you have to deal with each case seperately and pass judgement accordingly in a responsible way. This will take allot of time, especially if you are going to hear out both sides on a particular case (which you will do if you're going to be fair to both parties) and investigate things. Of course there are several more factors which shoudl weigh in your judgement to allow people to come back.

What happened anyways? Was it a simple mistake or a minor offense? For example, carrying around a duplicated item while never proven that person duplicated it, is something else then another person who did a full-fledged DDoS against the MUD server.

Was the person dealth with a calm, kind and generally honest person in your own AND OTHER opinions? Or was he abusive, already bordering on the edge of being banned for quite some time? If it's the latter, it'd be better to give that person a few months to cool off and to get the idea through to them.

Of course you shouldn't be too bitter about something that happened more then a year back. People change, both you and the player. Give that person a chance after a lengthy period and keep a close eye on said person. When someone emails you after a day or less though, it's an entirely different matter.

Of course, above all, use your common sense and judge fairly on people. There are loads more criteria besides the few I listed.

Mason 08-04-2002 12:57 PM


I can tell you that I stopped paying attention to this place a few months ago because of how silly the boards had become. It is only recently that I have started to view them again. I have also noted that many of the other people who I felt actually contributed something haven't posted in a while either. If people come back and behave, it doesn't bother me. But, if TMS degenerates into what it was not too long ago, I doubt I would come back.

I also IMP on a mud, and when I ban someone, I usually leave them banned for quite a long time. It is very unlikely that they would convince me to unban them.

Robbert 08-04-2002 01:04 PM

I firmly believe in reaping the consequences of ones actions. The degeneration of public opinion for the initiator of this thread, and for others of this one's ilk, was a slow and discernible process. The initial poster planted the fruit, and grew the fruit, and reaped the fruit.

Now they say the fruit is bitter, and that they would like a new field in which to plant.

The very fact that they are posting a question with as little substance as "can I come back and post" should show you that they have learned nothing. I have read nothing of substance from this poster, and doubt I ever will. In 400+ posts of Shao Long, I have only seen one which was even relatively worth reading, and that was the play on words posted on this very thread. I expect the same return to investment ratio with the initator of this thread.

I'll not respond further to this thread. I believe that one should suffer the consequences of ones actions, and am not a very forgiving person. When I ban an ISP on the game for which I program, I ban it permanently. If another user of that ISP manages to get the ISP to contact me and that ISP can reassure me that there will be no further problems from the individual in question, I will relent the ban.

I say, delete the profile of the intiator of this thread. Let them create a new persona if they want, but no rewards should be reaped for the drivel they posted in the past - even if that 'reward' is as surreal as a worthless number reflecting how many posts they have made.

There should be finality to more than death.

Ingham 08-04-2002 01:20 PM

Mason 08-04-2002 01:21 PM

I would also note that she only offers to behave herself "moreso than before at least"  She is qualifying her willingness to conform the the rules and expected ettiquette.  It is as if she is saying, "I still won't follow the rules, but I'll be better than before."

Is this really all that is needed to be accepted back at TMS?  Is TMS so concerned about volume that it doesn't even care if it's signal or noise?

I was one of the people who argued with likita/shao/etc during their race for 1000 posts.  I recall very little willingness on their part to even consider the wishes of other posters.  Why then, should we extend a consideration to her that was never offered to us?

Ingham 08-04-2002 01:54 PM

Why is everyone so bitter towards Likita? I'm really quite amazed. I regged an account and browse around a bit only to find this. Does Likita really deserve all this negativity from you people? Is the thing which she had done so bad that it's justifiable to be mad about even months afterwards?

I think it's not.


"An eye for an eye and the whole world is blind."

LikitaRenn 08-04-2002 01:58 PM

Shao_Long 08-04-2002 02:05 PM

Ok, what about you all stop posting your so-hated meaningless posts and just sit back and watch, *how* will Likita behave ? You're starting another flame war, arent you, eh ?..

and if my post number is bothering you so much - well, im trying to reg a new account, if its what will make you happy..

Mason 08-04-2002 02:46 PM

I prefer you leave altogether. However, if you insist on staying, I prefer you keep this account, so everyone can see why no one pays any attention to you. Besides, your grammar and spelling skills will make your new account immediately recognizable.

I have no hatred towards likita. But, people like her turned this from an informative, sometimes interesting discussion about gaming into a flame war. I, as well as many substantive contributers, left because of this. So now, I'm supposed to welcome her back with open arms just because she is "bored" elsewhere?

If you were serious about apologizing and asking to come back, why lace your request with the "moreso than before" qualifier? Either as a joke or as a flippant remark, it demonstrates a lack of sincerity.

Shao_Long 08-04-2002 03:29 PM

seen a nice little post named 'flames', Mason ?...

speaking of 'people recognizing me' - ive never even thought about hiding myself, and speaking of my... unjoust.. number of posts - werent at least half of them flames, flamed completely in defence against some people here ?..

Orion Elder 08-04-2002 07:35 PM

Well, I suppose it was only a matter of time. LikitaRenn speaks up, asking to come back and claiming she'll be 'better than before,' then the spam wars start again.\

I stopped posting, though not reading, a while back, simply because the forums lost any semblance of a real resource for MUDders the day the spam started. Recently a few good posts have come about... then this garbage.

Come back if you like. If this is what you bring along with you, though, I doubt you'll ever be welcomed with open arms... instead I find it highly likely you'll be chased off with closed fists.

You've shown yourself to be a bigot, a racist, an idiot, and a person worthy of any contempt and hatred you garner. Your opinions are worth about as much as the dung stuck to my bootheel.

You seemed to disappear from the spam, and then you come back to do this...

You've all been at least given a second chance... some more than that. I suggest you don't ruin them.

Good day to you all.

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