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Hephos 10-22-2003 07:40 PM

Lodes 10-22-2003 07:58 PM


I was going to write a java applet client for the game I am developping with my team. I personally would be very interested in you releasing such a java applet.

Though I have a few questions, since you were not clear. Would you release the source code? If so under what license?

I would need to make modifications to the client to be able to support a few special features, so this is why having access to the source code would be very helpfull. I could, I guess release my source modifications if I have to, but I would prefer if my players just didn't have the implementation of our protocol readily available. Of course they could easily find out, but I don't want to make them feel like it is encouraged.

If you need some help in the development of the client, I would be glad to help. Including maybe getting an artist in my team to help make a few graphics if needed.

So to recap: Yes, I would very much like so, especially if you release the source code and we are free to modify it. If we have to release all our modifications, I would still use it but I would prefer not to have to release all of them.

Derk 10-22-2003 08:10 PM

I hate to brag.. check out achaea's java client! IT ROCKS. Triggers, macros, variables, ITS FAST, health/mana meters.. Some people play on their java client instead of Zmud for the simple fact the java client is awesome, and your settings are tied to your character and follow you no matter what computer you are on.

It is seriously the only Java client I have seen done right.

Estarra 10-22-2003 08:11 PM

I was looking at the screen shot for your java client--that wilderness map (or whatever type of map it is) in the lower left corner is very nice! How would other muds use that feature? The only downside is all that blank space above it (which holds an email address to send bugs to). Is that space ever used for anything else?

Hephos 10-22-2003 08:16 PM

Hephos 10-22-2003 08:25 PM

No idea yet about releasing source code and similar. Would be something we'd need to discuss...

Lodes 10-22-2003 08:52 PM

Even if you don't release the source code, I think it would be nice to have a good general java client available.

I was thinking of it in a totally different light as you were. Sorry for miss-interpretting it.

It would be very useful for most muds that can't spend the resources to develop their own full blown java client and that would allow their players to connect to the game they love from whichever computer with a network condition and still have a good client available. That is a good idea, indeed to release such a client.

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