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jtrpdx 07-20-2006 01:22 PM

Of boredom.

A couple of months ago, I found a decent D&D mud to play, and at the time, there weren't many people playing but at least they were consistant. Alas though, everyone has gone and disappeared, so here I sit with nothing to do.

So what am I looking for you ask? Well,

It needs to be some form of D&D.
It needs to be RP.
It Can Not be pure PK.
It can be pk with enough RP to make it reasonable.
It should have more then the basic races/classes.
It could have an extended char creation system, but not one that Requires me to create indepth char descritions before I even log in to see if I like the mud.
It Has to have friendly Imms.
It should have a pbase of more then 5.

So please send me links/information on prospective muds that I can check out and hopefully play, before I die completely of boredom.

Aarn 07-20-2006 05:16 PM

marsd 07-21-2006 05:19 AM

I guess we have the same taste for muds jtrpdx. I've been dying of boredom for a few months since October last year, until I decided to restart playing a mud I've not played for almost a year ().

Since then I've got Knighted on a char, and had the most memorable times on various other characters - not planning on stopping yet again, for quite some time to come.

Kiev 07-21-2006 07:58 PM

Dartmud fits those criteria.

Yuki 07-21-2006 11:06 PM

Another post of someone looking for a mud so every admin wants to just spam their mud, so here's my spam with some ketchup on top: 9000

I think we fit all of your needs. So if you've tried one of the others and don't want to try another, cool. If you're still looking, stop by and check it out.

Fo shizzle.

Vermin 07-22-2006 02:30 PM

Dartmud doesn't just fit those criteria, it sets a new standard for all of them. Best MUD out there as far as I'm concerned.

Euphorbia 07-22-2006 11:31 PM

Gaare 07-23-2006 10:38 AM

Armageddon MUD is like a dream for tabletop RPG fans.

- Its atmosphere is heavily affected by DnD Dark Sun setting.

- It has a very good playerbase especially if you are a US player.

- I haven't ever seen any other game let alone muds, that requires Armaggeddon level of RP.

On the other hand,

That's as realistic as a mud can be, not hack-slash style... So, you need to be patient for learning what is going on and begin enjoying. Need to write down a PC description and a background. Almost everything real fun requires some type of learning at the beginning, ARM mud is no different.

If you would be interested in; 4050

Better you read a few pages quick start guide on its web page though.

The_Disciple 07-23-2006 12:32 PM

Eh, that's pretty subjective at best and just wrong at worst. While I wouldn't argue that Arm is almost certainly the best game of its kind, I don't think there's necessarily an audience correlation there.

A lot more people play tabletop RPGs for strategy/tactics/combat than do for deep RP. Campaigns of the Dark Sun setting skew much, much more to the former than even normal D&D games -- while the DS world had, without a doubt, a very cool/unique setting and backstory, TSR marketed it as the "high power character" campaign. Essentially, they chose to market it towards hack and slash powergamers; as a result, every Dark Sun campaign I've personally witnessed or knew someone who played in was hack and slashy to the extreme, something that Arm is definitely not.

Fern 07-23-2006 03:17 PM

Why the requirement to be 'some form of D&D'..? Just curious.

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