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Khadgar 03-13-2003 06:15 PM

The followers of Kiradus seek to gather the wealth of Tharel for personal gain and ambition. This gathering of wealth includes thievery, advancement of rank among the royalty of the land, deceit of the innocent, racketeering, confidence games, and robbery. Any means necessary to acquire the wealth of the land may be used to reduce his enemies to pauper hood. Menial work is not encouraged.

All races and classes of Tharel are welcome into the temple but gnomes, quicklings and gypsies are the most favored of Kiradus' followers. All who do follow Kiradus must possess a black heart, and be willing to commit any act to obtain the wealth of the land.

Priority will be given to those belonging to the quickling and gnome races, as well as to those of the thief or charlatan professions. While acts of murder for gain are allowed, all such acts MUST be justified in a prompt and appropriate manner. There shall be no killing of anyone regardless of race or religion just to do so. If it is found they have an item that will serve the temple and the Lord well, then it shall be expected for those in the temple to try to attain it, in any manner required. Those found associating with known enemies would be dealt with in a harsh manner, including possible excommunication from the order.

Ranks: Ranks within the temple should be observed carefully. Only those members of the greatest personal wealth may advance into the higher ranks of the temple.

If you are interested in joining the ranks of Kiradus, please see me and I will assist you in anyway that I can. Being a thief like myself, I have come to learn many tricks over the years that I would be happy to teach. ALL HAIL KIRADUS!!!

Khadgar Goldenfeather
Ure'fiel of -->Kiradus<--

P.S.  If you are interested in the sort of roleplay you can connect to Adventures Unlimited at the following:

or if you have a mud client host and port 5000

The website is

Xerihae 03-14-2003 08:27 AM

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