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Klered 09-09-2002 11:18 AM


For those who have not had an opportunity to stop by the mud, I would just like to shoot straight about it in this post. We first need to welcome 2 new builders that have brought some amazing
technology to the mud. Welcome Carena and Welcome Back Aredhel!

I really think that if you are looking for a new place to play, now is the time to get to the Perished Lands. PL is a highly modified (and I mean that) SMAUG with so many extra's that you can play for hours on
end without getting bored. We are trying to encourage people that like to Socialize to come over for a Fishing Tournament. If your lucky, you may 'catch' a fat fish, and in return receive a fabulous prize. Or if your feeling a bit like exploring, visit the Overseer and plant some wheat, grow a field.. or turn a useless corpse of a mob into some food that you can grind yourself. I am very happy to say that our Builders are on the 'RIGHT' track. With the constant additions of new code, a newbie friendly staff, a supportive website, and a growing player base, Perished Lands is truly stepping up to the next level. Besides all the new stuff, we revamped that old SMAUG experience system last
month, added a whole new element for questing, player houses, remorting into powerful classes, a strong deity system , and much much more. Take it from me, you won't be disappointed if you stay
and play. Most of the staff are people who stopped by and were instantly hooked on the challenge of the game play.

By the way, if your into PK, The Perished Lands is a great place to play. If your NOT into PK, Perished Lands allows hard coded protection for your enjoyment!! Only a PK player can murder , steal, and otherwise be IC with ONLY other PK Players...thats right! You haven't seen PK at its best until you have been to Perished Lands, of course that is IMHO.

Still not convinced? Stop by the Website, which has more details, and won't require you go through player creation to learn more. If you do decide to stop by, tell them Klered Sent You! Our comprehensive help
system will teach you all about our world! Our staff will see to it that you are comfortable with your new surroundings! The Peak Time for Perished Lands seems to be between 6pm and Midnight EST. So if
you decide to stop by, check us out during those hours if you want to see most of the players!

Come GROW the story with us!


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