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kubera 12-11-2003 03:05 PM

Darkwind has been in existance since early 1994 and has been continually evolving ever since. If you don't want to have to role play then come on in. While we have aspects of the game that encourage roleplaying, it is not required.

telnet 3000

Here's some of our features:

-20+ races with stat bonuses (and minuses) depending on race
-12 guilds, with two more on the way right now.
-Player controlled pubs and inns
-3 types of boats for players to own
-5 separate continents with climates that require certain outfitting (warmer clothes in the harsh cold, water for the desert, etc)
-Several types of pack animals, and companions to help you in combat
-Questing system that keeps track of completed quests and give you experience bonuses based on your quest points.
-Separate PK and non-pk systems, choose which you want to participate in.
-Mud-wide auction system
-Donation room for new players to get donated equipment.
-Games to play when you're healing or just want a break from playing (uno, blackjack, etc.)
-And much more!

Come on in and check us out, we're continually adding on new features to enhance the player experience!

telnet 3000

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