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Leeandra 01-07-2003 02:14 PM

I am looking for an assistant to aid me in completion of several writings associated with the Theme of our ROM MUD, as well as with quest creation. Our MUD is strictly RP and we have a very friendly staff.

Qualities I'm looking for:
1. Good writing/grammar skills
2. Creativity
3. Responsibility
4. A lot of time on your hands
5. Must not be a part of another MUD's staff
6. Must be at least 18 years of age

If interested in applying for the position or for more information, please email me and include why you would be interested in this position and a list of times when you would be available to meet for an interview (EST).

Leeandra, Theme Mistress

Eternal 01-14-2003 02:14 AM

Leeandra, it would be most helpful if you were to include -any- information about your mud beyond the codebase. E.g. what kind of theme does it have, is the roleplay mandatory, and if so what steps are taken to ensure this.

I say this, because not many who have the time and inclination to help a world develop, especially one that already belongs to someone else, are likely to reply to an advertisement with no clue as to what they are helping with.

Leeandra 01-21-2003 06:01 PM

Type of MUD: Political Role Play Enforced Fantasy

Roleplay is mandatory for all players. We have a Policy Dept. that deals with rules regarding RP and other such things. Imms are not required to RP, though we are allowed to create mortal characters and RP if we so desire.

If you would like any other info on the theme or anything else, then email me and I'll give you the information you seek.


Leeandra 01-26-2003 04:29 PM

Applicants must be 16 or older.


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