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Almondine War 07-08-2004 11:02 PM

Traithe 07-08-2004 11:35 PM


Well... we have a very early alpha release of our sourcecode available on our website. There's a bit of a catch-22, though; although it's an RPI codebase with some neat features (application system, revamped combat, levelless/skill-based, archery, realistic weather system, player literacy, scripts/languages, wounds, fully numberless prompts, crafting, ANSI colouring for readability, description-only social system, and a ton of other RP-related stuff), it is horribly, horribly unstable, and represents a loss of about two years' solid coding work or so on my part from the rock-solid and robust server you'd encounter if you actually logged into our MUD today. Also, it is written in C; it's a highly modified (a total of 8 or so years of development, counting the MUD that initially granted me the rights to use their codebase to found Shadows of Isildur) version of a server that was originally DIKU GAMMA.

So in short, if you're a good (and persistent) enough coder to actually fix all the problems it has, you're without a doubt good enough to roll your own; but on the off chance that you're that good and just want an RP-enforced springboard to leap from, you may want to consider checking it out.

Please note that I do not provide support for it; although I'm always happy to answer a few questions about the code as my time permits, I'm usually fairly busy and so do not get to answer as many as I'd like.

You can grab it .

I may, some day, release an updated version of our codebase to the public, but it's rather unlikely; it has grown so complex by this point that I'd have to spend a good chunk of time writing a number of install scripts to make it "user-friendly", and I think I'd rather spend the time I do have developing new things for the actual MUD.


Traithe 07-09-2004 05:38 AM

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