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RabidRougue 04-20-2004 10:34 PM

Hello all,

I am seeking staff to start a new mud based on Roleplay and dark fantasy. I right now am looking for a Head Coder, Head Builder, and General builders. We are starting from scratch on a NSR codebase. I seek a Head Builder to help assign areas, builders to help create all original areas as NSR has no areas currently to work with. As far as a Head Coder i am looking for someone familiar with Rot code and has a personal ambition to make the Rot one of the best on the internet. They must be willing to work long hours on a thankless job. Well other than the thanks i give them personally. Creative vision would be a perk! If you are interested in forming a new mud with me, please contact me at: or AIM: RabidRoadDog thank you for your time and have a good one!

RabidRougue 04-21-2004 04:06 PM

Here is some more information on the direction of the mud. What i am planning to do is have a vast world with five different continents all of different skill level ranges and tough mobs. The mud will be based in a dark fantasy roleplay encouraged setting. Some of the areas needed are to be vast in size and creativity, with atleast four to five lines of description minimum. Also the reason a coder with vast creative vision is needed is so the roleplay experience is fun and worth while for the players. Things needed asap from a coder would be more races, classes, tiers, spells and skills. Then things such as oprogams and rprograms. If you have the talent for either of these jobs and would like to help us out please email me or AIM me at the adresses mentioned above in the previous post. I will then send you the mud address to login and create a character. Thanks for your time.

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