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Xeria 09-10-2003 02:52 AM

We are NOT open to players at the present moment. Just for builders and coders are still needed.

Since my last post was 30 days ago on here, I decided to post again. The Mysts of Turmoil needs help! Only thing we ask for those interested is first please fill out the immortal application before even logging on. Those who do not will not be considered and we would hate to have to do that cause we need all the help we can get. Also look over the Building Policy on the website as well, please.

The Mysts of Turmoil is medieval themed running SMAUG 1.4ar4 with many modifications to the code and is looking for experienced builders and coders. Coders get their own shell account plus testports. The mud is run off of a linux box right in our own home. People ages range from mid 20's to upper 50's and we ask that you please be at least 18 or older before you even attempt to fill out an application or log on. The reasonings behind all of these requirements is that we have ran into too many people logging on and nothing nothing. Then needing their hand held through everything without even consulting the helpfiles we have. Too many headaches and no production to make up for it.

We are currently working on projects which is the main goal but building is not limited tyo just that as we need other areas as well.

We have a website located at which has all the information about us.

We ask that you please be dedicated when you get vnums and willing to try things on your own before asking for help.

We have helpfiles on just about anything.

If you just cannot figure out what your looking for then help is available almost around the clock.

Please if you get vnums, don't just start and then just not log on.

If you do happen to have to be gone for more then 2 weeks, please let us know in advance.

We are currently in the process of ripping out all stock areas and rebuilding from scratch and need help.

We are open to suggestions and ideas and use forum boards to keep track of what is going on, plus GBOARDS.

If this sounds like something you would like to get into, please stop in and see us at port:5500.

Look for Xeria(me), Elbryan, Ilithra, Mordoc, or Jinku.

If those mentioned above are not on please either leave a note or email elbryan at or Xeria at Best times to reach the above mentioned are between the hours of 7:30-9am, 7-5:30am.

Credit is given online to those who help build and shape the world we are trying to make.

Thank you,

Xeria(Co-Owner, Builder on The Mysts of Turmoil)

Xeria 09-17-2003 03:16 PM

It has been brought to my attention that our Immortal Application (which is a requirement to apply for a position on the mud) is not working properly for some reason. I posted this as a reply instead of a comment or another post to keep from flaming the board.

Here is what both of the Coding and Building Application cosists of. You will need to take this info and post it on our forum board under Immortal Application. That link is working.


Your Real Name:

Geographical Area:*

E-Mail Address:*

Your Age:*

How much time can you spend online weekly?*

How long have you been playing muds?*

Have you ever been an immortal before?*

Are you currently an immortal somewhere else?*

What talents do you possess that you believe will be helpful to the Mysts?*

Are you familiar with OLC?*

How long have you been building?*

Please provide a room description for review:*

Please provide a second room description for review:*

Please provide a mobile description for review:*

Please provide an object description for review:*


Your Real Name:

Geographical Area:*

E-Mail Address:*

Your Age:*

How much time can you spend online weekly?*

How long have you been playing muds?*

Have you ever been an immortal before?*

Are you currently an immortal somewhere else?*

What talents do you possess that you believe will be helpful to the Mysts?*

How long have you been coding?*

Please provide a small snippet of code for review:*

All of these are required fields for the position you are applying for to be considered.

Thank You,
Xeria(Co-Owner, Builder for The Mysts of Turmoil)

Ockham 09-22-2003 10:51 PM

It's sad that this post got more views than almost any others, and its title is what it is.

Don't mind me I'm bitter.

pkfren 09-22-2003 10:56 PM

Hey Ockham, you sound like you need coders and builders too but nobody has replied to your posts yet?

Xeria 09-23-2003 08:42 AM

Ockham 09-23-2003 04:25 PM

Sarolite 09-23-2003 04:53 PM

Actually, I always look at these posts that NEED someone in caps, because they're normally the ones I can get a chuckle out of. While I'm at it, why is it that you can't log on and look around before you apply?

Xeria 09-23-2003 05:37 PM

You can look around. It is just we request you apply first, cause what you see when you first come on is all stock and that is what we are in the process of getting rid of. So if someone would like to log on and glance around feel free.

Ockham: Thanks for getting me more views...grin. This is actually the first someone has taken an interest in my posts to actually reply except on TMC. There the only reply I got was a reminder to only post every two weeks or so because I ended up posting one then 3 days later did it again.

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