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cratylus 07-18-2006 09:03 AM

Dead Souls 2.1 represents the fulfillment of the
promise of 1.1. The bugs and functionality gaps have
been fixed and bridged.

Dead Souls 2.1 features
* Windows native version (identical to UNIX version)
* Sophisticated race/body creation system
* Skill based combat and spellcasting
* OLC (creation of creatures and objects with simple commands)
* Thorough faqs and docs for building
* Sample areas and quests
* Easy ability to not use classes
* Connection to a helpful and supportive intermud community
* Virtual room server that allows quick, convenient creation of 1,000's of rooms
* Menu-based administration (admintool)
* Built in http and ftp servers
* Lots more

These features are not revolutionary, but they
are available to you in Dead Souls 2.1 in the simple,
easy to learn format of LPC, which allows anyone
to become a coder/admin/builder/whatever much more
quickly than a C based mud might.

To get Dead Souls 2.1, please visit

A comparison of LPC v Diku:

An argument in favor of LPC for new admins:

The installation FAQ:


Threshold 07-18-2006 10:16 AM

Congratulations on the release!

Maelgrim 07-20-2006 02:45 AM

Having played around a bit with the previous DS package, (And subsequently respecting my Admins like a billion times more after realizing they did it the HARD way.) I'd like to reccomend this recent upgrade to anyone who's ever thought about setting up their own MUD. It's a great starting point, and really gives you an appreciation of all the work involved.

Monster props to the DS team!

saquivor 07-30-2006 02:05 AM

I can recommend Dead Souls 2.1 to anyone looking to learn LPC, or even advanced LPC coders. It is a well developed mudlib, actively supported by its author.

Alexander Tau 08-01-2006 05:57 PM

I too have jumped on the DS bandwagon, and have been enjoying being there quite a lot.

Remarkably stable, and comes with an easy connection to a friendly, flame-free, inter-mud chat suite. Being the only one online is not so lonely with that.

Anyone thinking about starting up a Mud should at least take a look at Dead Souls. Unless you are addicted to some other form of codebase DS is a very good choice for almost any project.


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