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Ntanel 05-14-2002 01:17 AM

Meet & Greet III is fast approaching and the goal this year is to encourage communal unity. It has been rather hecktic since last September. We have been lucky enough to gain hosts from Diku, LP and the MUSH communities.

This year we offer various forms of entertainment. First, we again offer various discussion rooms, but we have added a few more as requested from various people in the community. Second, we bring with us the final MudWorld Award of Excellence. It did not have as much of a showing as first expected. It is meant for MUD/site administrators to show thier staff recognition for hard work. This time the MudWorldAdministration can choose the top 3 resources of the year. Lastly, we are also going to have two scheduled Internet radio programs, one right after the other, before and during the event.

This will be the final Meet & Greet hosted by MudWorld. I originally had planned to pass Meet & Greet IV over to another, but shortly afterwards the person and I met with dissagreement. I think I may just take offers, research them and grant permission accordingly for each future Meet & Greet event.

What happens at a Meet & Greet? Basicly, people are individually invited to attract other people to attend. These invited people are called RSVPs. RSVPs consist of client and server developers, community heads and other people the general public just find to be cool. They are listed publicly for the general public to discover if anyone they find of interest is attending.

Once at a Meet and Greet you are offered chat rooms to visit. These rooms each have different topics of discussion. You can usually enter a room and find someone to speak with who holds the same interests as yourself. These events have lasted as long as 12 hours, but surely no one is expected to attend for that long.

The only rules are to curb the insults, cursing, do not use this event as a way to find and hire new staff or advertise your MUD/site. Most of the attendees are MUD and site administrators and surely will not appreciate being "picked up" or "advertised to".

You can, it is reccommended for MUD and site administrators, to make new friends and affiliates. If we are not open to bridging the gaps in the community, then we will continue to be seperate and unfamiliar with each other. So the plan is to connect with others, affiliate and close the gaps.

To RSVP, check out the details, attendees and more, visit this address,

I do encourage you to invite friends, family and staff as well as tell everyone you can to attend! Thank you and I hope to see you there!


Meet & Greet III

Saturday, May 18th, 2002

7pm ET / 4pm PT / 12am GMT

Preregistration (There was an unexpected delay):
Will be as soon as possible and will last until the event! Check the telnet site daily.

Where (The address was changed):
Telnet [] port 4000

Topics of Chat Rooms:
- General Discussion
- Coder/Programmer Discussion
- Website Discussion
- Builder Discussion
- Legal Discussion
- Client/Server Discussion
- Administrative Discussion
- Community Resources (WiP)
- Custom Developement
- Role Playing Discussion

Ntanel 05-15-2002 06:58 PM

Good news for those of you who like to speak the language of love. Yes, I mean legalese. At almost the last minute Matthew Becker, a Copyright/Trademark Attorney, has made it known that he will be able to make it to Meet & Greet III. Matthew was a big hit at the last event and many have asked to get him to attend again.

In addition to the dicussion and award events, we will be offering the ability to listen to an Internet radio station before and during the event. Thanks to the joint efforts of NexMix: HNER and AethiaMUD Radio, we are able to offer both a stream for dial-up and a stream for Cable, DSL or better connections. The programs will be a mix of news, talk and music.

To RSVP, check out the details, attendees, radio programs and more, visit this address,

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