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Mierza 03-03-2004 07:13 PM

Does anyone know of a decent C++ codebase?

reyth 03-05-2004 02:14 AM

Well, I've been trying to get people interested in the AIME codebase. I don't know how "decent" it is but I have it up and running, and it has built in builder ports. Not being a coder, I am not real up on the more technical aspects of coding and what would constitute a "decent" codebase.

What I like about it is that it is under the GPL and could really be cool to be built on and expanded without all the wild copyright issues that some of the other codebases have. I wish that a community would coelesce around it the way it has some of the other codebases. Seems to me it would help a lotl

Message me if you want to code/build on the one I have running. I have two more coder accounts available where I am renting space.

More info on AIME is here:

I have found the contact list almost dead, though. Still, the code as far as it was developed is available and ready to be modified, expanded, or whatnot.

Spazmatic 03-06-2004 03:14 PM

The biggest problem with AIME is the code is horrific. Just horrific.

03-07-2004 04:36 AM

AFAIK, all these have released code:

industrialMud, Mud++, Euphony, Scrymud, Leximud, Cool++, MudCore, AWEMud, SlashMud, Wolfshade, AIME, AriMUD, Mughi, protoMud, MServer, Deus and Mica(POE).

You should be able to get google to cough up the goods on these.

You might also want to check over at Erwin Andreasen's site as he may have a more up to date list.

As to what's decent.  Hrrrm...

Well I'm inclined to think Mica may well be the most "interesting" of the bunch.

Mierza 03-07-2004 05:14 PM

Thanks for your replies.

LegendOfXix 03-08-2004 02:54 PM

Have you tried DoT?

Great codebase.

Mierza 03-09-2004 07:01 AM

mmm.. thanks. I've actually decided to try out a version of QuickMUD.

Jenred 03-10-2004 02:30 PM

I have to second the DoT codebase. See my longer post on a similar thread on this board.

But quickmud is a good starter choice too.

Raith 03-19-2004 10:58 PM

I'm looking for a C++ codebase, too.

However, I want one that's like SocketMUD.

Bareboned, with socketcode and basic commands (who, help, commands, save). Something that's quite simple to understand, well documented.

I know what you're thinking -- SocketMUD could work with C++ code built on top of it. However, I need something where I knowledgably fix the mechanics of the stock code without having to read about details of another language.

Mierza 04-02-2004 05:58 AM

Hi Raith, tis me.

We're taking SocketMUD and converting it to ++, and writing our own interpretter to replace the one that's there, if you're interested.

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