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WarHound 07-21-2004 01:26 PM

I have a request that someone nail the recently posted Legends of the Lance review, in which the poster makes alot of crap insults, namely a hsot against Jews.

It makes me sick that even here, on MU*'s where there is no color or races that bigot morons can still spew their filth and hate.

Get a clue little man. If the admin at Legends of the Lance got rid of idiots like you, they are on the right track, because you would obviously only ruin the experience for those of us who don't have **** for brains. I'll be trying LotL now.

the_logos 07-21-2004 02:55 PM

Amnon 07-21-2004 04:08 PM

Talking about different kinds of races here... You're saying "Don't say dogs are less intelligent than people!", but the original post claimed "Don't say person A is less intelligent than person B just because he believes in the Torah or has a different skin color"

Angie 07-21-2004 05:34 PM

the_logos 07-21-2004 05:41 PM

Oh? We have multiple types of a particular race (Tsol'aa) in Achaea, for instance, and regularly ascribe specific traits to them. The Tsol'teth branch, for instance, is evil. The Tsol'dasi branch is good. Highly racist.

Fantasy books and worlds engage in this kind of thing all the time.


WarHound 07-21-2004 05:43 PM

Fair enough, logos, I'll rephrase:

It shocks me that even here, in the world of Mu*'s, with a plethora of opportunitys to spread hate and racism in a fantasy setting, that some people still bring their RL prejudices and bigotry.


the_logos 07-21-2004 06:26 PM

Heh heh, yes. Let's burn the dwarves, not the Eskimos. I'm with you.

--matt, dwarf hater.

Gemini 07-21-2004 07:41 PM

Yes indeed, it does make me sick. Luckily, on one of the MUD's i play, the one that acutally attracts alot of people like that (for who knows what reason) severly punishes racism. Listen, this is the way i see it. Sure your allowed to have your own view, but if it is gerally un-accepted, then keep your mouth shut. Most people MUD to get away from all the things we dont like in real life

But yeah, im a victim of MUDracism. Im curently the only Troll on the prior mentioned MUD, and i never stop getting **** about it. In the worlds of Welkasre, "TROLL POWER!!"

Treestump 07-22-2004 10:45 AM

I agree that there are definitely problems with the review system here. Two suggestions I would make:

When viewing a review, add a link to "report" the review to the webmater or whoever is in charge of the site. Anything vulgar, obscene or otherwise unacceptable could be easily relayed to the staff for removal.

Secondly, give viewers the ability to "rate" a review. Places like Amazon use this procedure. Reviews are then listed not in chronological order, but based on their rating. This way poorly written reviews (short, no facts, etc) will get pushed to the bottom of the review list.

the_logos 07-22-2004 04:10 PM

Or you could just ignore them given that they have no value as reviews. =)

Valg 07-22-2004 11:29 PM

Or you could just ignore them given that they have no value as reviews. =)

Yes, but you have to click through the chaff to get to the useful information. The advantage to the 'ranking' system is that it saves you time, not that it provides you insight into any one particular review.

Gemini 07-22-2004 11:34 PM

the problem i see with this is that people would always rank down bad reviews to their mud, even if it their points are valid and well thought out. ####, maybe even give rewards of other doing it. ya never know

John 07-23-2004 12:47 AM

None of the "reviews" have value as reviews

the_logos 07-23-2004 03:25 AM

That's exactly what I said!


John 07-23-2004 04:54 AM

the_logos 07-23-2004 02:22 PM

Yep. I don't really understand why TMS bothers having them.


Brody 07-23-2004 02:41 PM

Well, I can see why TMS bothers having them. They're player reviews and they generate traffic to this site. Whether they're high quality, accurate or objective is beside the point. They simply provide another interactive aspect for TMS.

Valg 07-23-2004 05:37 PM

I've found a number of the Carrion Fields reviews to be very useful in describing our game to potential new players. Likely more than half. They also tend to hit topics besides what we usually talk about in our promotional material, and I appreciate that they give a broader perspective.

A sorting system would help de-emphasize the less useful reviews. If you don't find the reviews for your game useful to anyone, or if you've disallowed reviews, a sorting system doesn't hurt you, in any event. Go find something else to complain about.

the_logos 07-23-2004 06:22 PM

Swervin 07-24-2004 02:24 AM

Hello, long time reader, frist time poster. I'm Branchala on rise of the dragonarmies, owner of the mud. Please don't confuse the attitutde of a few of the reviewers with the attitude of the entire mud. Hate speech is not encouraged on my mud in any way, although I do not tell players what they can and can not say on non public channels, as long as they're not harassing other players.

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