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Lazerous 06-17-2005 09:04 PM

I have had a player log in and repeatedly abuse the bugs in my realm. He was warned, refused to listen and repeated this again. I am tired of his attitude and hope to warn all other admins about his ip and used names, so they can avoid him in the future.

Known Names Used: Seduction, Errtu, Raistlin

Trust me, its not the kind of player you want.

Ilkidarios 06-17-2005 09:07 PM

Ha! "Seduction", he's probably gay.

Gorgulu 06-17-2005 10:55 PM

You're gonna get flamed, boy.

Ilkidarios 06-17-2005 11:29 PM

By who?  "Seduction"?  I'd like to see him show his face here.

Lazerous 06-18-2005 01:08 AM

I am sorry to have to report this, but due to the continued harassment of an aol user who's ip is random each time he dials in, I have had to close my realm. I shall sorely miss you all, and I thank you kindly for all your kind words and patronage over the time I have been online.

Please watch out for this guy!
His email is:


Lazerous - Founder of Draenor -

GuruPlayer 06-18-2005 01:42 AM

Lazerous, say it isn't so...:-(

This is too bad, as Lazerous was one of the good guys, an Imm/Owner, who really wanted players to play & enjoy his mud,& would make the extra effort to make sure players were welcome. It's too bad that there is always a percentage of the human race that cannot be anything but dickheads.

What we need is some hardware expert to develop a "sizzle" button that the mud owner would push that would fry the spammers' machines when they try that stuff.

Lazerous 06-18-2005 02:30 AM

Thanks to people like you, I have been talked into bringing
the realm back online. I unfortunatly will not be visible anymore and that is a shame, I enjoyed interacting with players. But yes, I cant let this loser ruin it for everyone else.

Thanks for the kind words.

Earthmother 06-18-2005 02:43 AM

Hang in there, Lazerous.

Karma is a *good* thing. ;>

You keep on keepin' on... don't let the bastard get you down. I hate to see this type of crap. It is so sad. I'm rooting for ya, man! Fight the good fight!

Kylotan 06-18-2005 07:15 AM

Umm... site ban?

Jeena 06-18-2005 09:29 AM

Just do a total siteban on aol. I would also take the added step of reporting this particular person to the IP, particularly since he is using an aol address.

People who abuse the game environment should have no access to it.

Lazerous 06-18-2005 12:40 PM

####, you folks are so nice...

Ya this morning I found suddenly my immortal char had been corrupted, just suddenly out of the blue...
Ya right, guess its time for the good old aol site ban for all aol
customers and a firewall...sigh

Why some people can't act like adults or normal members
of society even if not an adult, I will never know.

GuruPlayer 06-18-2005 02:36 PM

Now if you site ban AOL, don't forget to post how an AOL user who is a legit player can get access to play your mud. Perhaps a password that can be sent via e-mail that would let serious players who use AOL log onto the game.

Daedroth 06-18-2005 02:38 PM

If theres two types of people I dislike, it's cheaters and thieves...

prof1515 06-18-2005 05:21 PM

Make sure you report it to AOL and the authorities. I'm no expert on the law, but hacking is typically considered an offense whether the target is commercial or not.

Take care,


Fern 06-19-2005 01:15 AM

Very sorry to hear, Lazerous. Would it help to have some defense code? Site ban is great but it can be a pain when it comes to places like AOL. I'd be glad to share some of our defense code if you feel it would help.

the_logos 06-19-2005 03:30 AM

Not to propose anything too radical, but how about just fixing the bug the person is abusing?


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