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Brnt 04-30-2006 04:38 PM

I know that MudOS is no longer being maintained and upgraded, and that's the driver we use on our mud. I was wondering though if there's another mud driver around that's similar and current and is patched and upgraded semi-regularly that we can take our custom mudlib and port to with a minimum of headaches. I mean I really don't have major gripes with the last version of MudOS that we have, but also am curious if we are missing out on something better, yet doesn't require completely rebuilding our mudlib.

Shane 04-30-2006 05:06 PM

I don't know but that the guys and gals at Genesis might be your best bet for an answer to that. I am not aware of one though.

nhl 04-30-2006 08:09 PM

At the moment, there are two major "branches" of LPMuds, in addition to that of MudOS - and . Both are actively maintained, and while they differ a bit from MudOS, most of the functionality is there and the syntax is similar (LPC).

Brnt 04-30-2006 09:57 PM

I guess I should be more specific, in that, do these other drivers have anything super fantastic above MudOS that would warrant a switch, since MuDOS is pretty stable.

Shane 04-30-2006 10:25 PM

Well, just perusing the DGD site, it seems there are some improvements there, though exactly how nifty you might think they were is an open question.

DGD also has a package to facilitate your transfer from MudOS.

Threshold 05-01-2006 07:26 PM

The last time I checked, Skotos owns the DGD license, and they aren't interested in letting anyone use it.

When I inquired about the licensing fee (since Dworkin originally planned it to be a game engine that is licensed - ala Unreal, Quake, etc. but for MUDs), they responded with an answer so absurd it is clear they actually have no intention of licensing it.

The terms were $100,000 up front payment, with annual fees to be negotiated as either a flat fee or a % of sales.

Absurd, eh? Of course, this was back when Skotos was pretty high on themselves and thought they were going to be the next SOE, so maybe they've come back down to Earth after most of their games failed.

Shane 05-01-2006 08:19 PM

You can use the free version if you are not going to charge, it appears.

I had no idea iChat used DGD. Wow.

Threshold 05-02-2006 09:31 AM

Shane 05-03-2006 12:10 AM

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