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arew264 07-22-2007 12:40 PM

Vote Link?
Okay, I wasn't quite sure where to post this, but here goes:

I don't understand how you are having votes cast. I have searched your site and not found any information about it, so I'm hoping to find out here.
From what I've scraped together and what I've assumed, any request for will (if the cheater prevention system doesn't block it) file a vote for the referrer.
So if I put a link to that address on my mud site ( and people clicked on it, you would search the database for a mud whose website was and file a vote for it.
Is this correct?

What confuses me is that looking at other people's links, they specify an ID as a GET value, and I am not sure where this comes from.
In the end, my question is how do I create a voting link for my MUD?

Brody 07-22-2007 01:49 PM

Re: Vote Link?
It's looking for *your* TMS vote account ID.


arew264 07-22-2007 02:45 PM

Re: Vote Link?
Thank you!
That was exactly what I needed. That should probably be documented somewhere.... The whole system here seems as if it has been expanded without any recoding and thus it doesn't seem well integrated. At least to a MUD admin and PHP web developer.
Considering some of my work, I probably shouldn't criticize the admins. :D

Lasher 07-22-2007 03:20 PM

Re: Vote Link?
No arguments here on that one, although in Adam's defense (original TMS creator) the site was put together at a time when a lot of the tools we take for granted today (PHP, free SQL databases, etc) were not available.

We will probably combine the two databases and move to a more modern "top sites script" in the future, but the currently offline review system is the next priority.

arew264 07-22-2007 03:34 PM

Re: Vote Link?
That was something that had occured to me. I know you're using CGI scripts, and it seemed from the way it was laid out that SQL had not been used somewhere...
Thinking about it now, I'm guessing the actual MUD database uses file IO (or did at some point), and then the ranking system was added and used SQL (MySQL perhaps?). Dunno if you moved the MUD database to SQL as well, although I assume not.

Anyway, even if I'm completely wrong, it's great to know there are developers here working on the site.

Fern 07-24-2007 05:21 PM

Re: Vote Link?
Don't feel bad - it took me a few tries to get ours right, even back many years ago when it was 'simpler' :)

arew264 07-24-2007 06:00 PM

Re: Vote Link?
What tends to freak me out is that I have a link set up, but I have no evidence that it works.
When you set it up wrong, there is no error or warning, you just don't submit a vote.

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