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newbie 08-13-2007 11:07 AM

DGD on windows, Alternatives?
I've tried running DGD on windows XP using 1.2p4, It took me a while to get hold of the binarys but now it dosen't actually do anything, the DGD.exe loads up fine, ,but it dosen't seem to execute the config file.

Has anyone got DGD to work on XP?

Can anyone suggest any other barebones setups that would allow me to use LPC, I've already considered DeadSouls but theres too much going on there and I'd rather code from the ground-up, than rip everything out and re-do it to my suiting..

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

cratylus 08-13-2007 11:27 AM

Re: DGD on windows, Alternatives?
If your strict preference is DGD, then I suggest you download Cygwin or
MinGW. These are systems that allow you to run a "unix-like" environment,
which you can use to compile your unix source and run it on Windows.
Pretty cool stuff.

If you're not interested in DS but want to avoid Cygwin/MinGW, you
can try using LPUniversity lib. Before he stopped working on it, Tacitus
got me to compile a native Windows executable for that lib. LPU is pretty
barebones. If you get the Windows version working, it might just be
what you're looking for:

I don't support it, though, so if you have trouble, you're
kind of on yer own. You can try asking on the


newbie 08-13-2007 11:32 AM

Re: DGD on windows, Alternatives?
Theres no strict desire to run DGD, simply that it was what seemed like a viable option.

I'll look at the LPU project but given what I heard of it and the fact I've seen no sight nor sound of Cody and the userbase of what was the former product is so small (if exsistant these days), I don't think It'd be a viable option.

Thanks for your suggestions.


Threshold 08-14-2007 12:22 AM

Re: DGD on windows, Alternatives?
If you can avoid it, I would stay away from DGD. The license is owned by Skotos, and should you ever have even the tiniest intention of a commercial use, the licensing fee is absolutely insane.

I remember talking to them about it some many years ago and (recalling from memory - the exchange was many years ago) it starts at $100,000 per year base with additional costs based on the number of users and a variety of other things. DGD is nice, but not that nice. Anyone capable of writing a commercial quality mud could write their own driver for a lot less than that.

newbie 08-14-2007 05:42 AM

Re: DGD on windows, Alternatives?
Thanks for the Input guys :)

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