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ArchPrime 09-06-2008 11:18 AM

Introducing Archons of Avenshar
RuneFire Studios proudly announces Archons of Avenshar (AoA), a fantasy themed MUD currently under development. We are openly inviting players to test the current implementation. The code-base is from scratch and purely custom. AoA is played through the web browser via custom developed Flash client. Our goal with this approach is to lower the barrier of entry to gamers who find the idea of using one's imagination a nifty idea, but simply 'do not get' telnet. Play still revolves heavily around reading and writing text, but certain components have taken on a graphical metaphor, such as login, account/character creation, shopping and mail.

We've been open to player testing for about one week, and during that time, responses have been positive; feedback has been great. Development continues at a decent pace and we expect to release new material once a week with interim bug and typo fixes, up until a solid beta product exists (at which point, we'll actually submit AoA to the various MUD listings).

I'd like to give a great big THANK YOU to the folks who have stopped in and contributed to the betterment of AoA.

We appreciate any helpful feedback and constructive criticism. Please visit us at


Rylan 10-08-2008 04:17 AM

Re: Introducing Archons of Avenshar
Heya, I've just tried this and I have to say I'm pretty impressed. I'd be staying and playing it more but, its 1 AM and I"m rather tired. I didn't see a place to put feedback on the site so I"ll put it here.

I like it because its neather than a typical MUD, easier on the eyes. And also it just seems more professional, which is somethign I've looked for in a MUD. It makes the atmosphere likeable. Even though there were no players on at the time I could see myself exploring this MUD for hours (if I were not dead tired) I will be back to explore and learn further. I hope others try it out cause I think it will be a great hit.

Ide 10-08-2008 10:06 AM

Re: Introducing Archons of Avenshar
Rylan, the dev has a feedback email in a help topic (feedback or volunteer, can't remember which at the moment). Also there are bug/idea commands as well. I've submitted a fair number of those and the dev is really responsive.

dbiron1977 10-08-2008 04:31 PM

Re: Introducing Archons of Avenshar
Great game, just tried it out before work. Think this game will be my new home for a while. Just curious, the site doesn't list the game features? Perhaps you could list a few here?

Also is it an RP enforced mud? I hope it is.


ArchPrime 10-11-2008 11:35 AM

Re: Introducing Archons of Avenshar
In response to dbiron1977's post:

Is AoA RP Enforced? AoA would fall at the upper end of the "RP Enforced" spectrum, meaning that within the "game world", you must remain in character. However, there are out-of-character means of communication such as tunable, global channels.

Current Features include, but are not limited to:
* Levelless/Experienceless system of character advancement and customization
* Skills Based, but not in the grindy "create 5000 copper daggers to increase rank" way
* Currently three guilds to join and learn skills from - more to come as the story lines unfold
* Standard Fantasy races (Human, Elves, Dwarves) for players to choose, with more coming as the story lines unfold.
* Completely custom client, with minimap, status bars, and several GUI elements to assist game play.
* Growing Helpfile and Emote systems.
* Simple introductory tutorial.
* Ability to customize your character's various sensory related descriptions.
* Multiple characters allowed per account (up to four).
* Combat is *mostly* automated, but requires the use of skills, spells, and abilities to be truly effective.
* Growing body of content to explore and enjoy
* Party creation capability; allows for grouping.
* Simple method for submitting bugs/ideas/feedback to a generally responsive administration. :-)

~ A/P

ArchPrime 10-26-2008 11:57 AM

Archons of Avenshar - Update
The website supporting Archons of Avenshar has been recently updated to include additional background information, including expanded content regarding races, guilds, backstory and more.


Kepo 11-03-2008 11:53 AM

Re: Archons of Avenshar - Update
Normally, I'm not a fan of classless/leveless systems. I guess that's mostly because I haven't really gotten into any of them and I grew up on classes and levels, e.g. EverQuest. Nonetheless, I gave Avenshar a spin because it had a custom client (which indicates a unique level of effort from the creator which is rare in new MUDs these days).

I have to say that I'm impressed and intrigued. It's been a while since a MUD has kept me wanting to play. Please keep working on Avenshar! I'm excited to see where it ends up (hopefully not abandoned).

Rylan 11-05-2008 02:13 AM

Re: Introducing Archons of Avenshar
Hey, I really like this game, I'm just wondering, if new areas will be implemented soon? I've been wandering these two main areas and unless I'm blind and just don't see anywhere else to go.. then that's all there is to the MUD at the moment? I'm just wondering, well hopefully it will continue to grow cause I'm enjoying it

Kepo 11-05-2008 08:48 AM

Re: Introducing Archons of Avenshar
Yes, as far as I know, the forest and the caves are the only completed areas. I hear Darsh (the admin) is in the works with a new area that will also include some nice goals to look forward to, such as drops. I'm just waiting for the update to go in. :)

ArchPrime 11-07-2008 12:02 AM

Re: Introducing Archons of Avenshar
There is indeed a new area soon to be released for play testing. However, at this time it is still in the planning stages. The area will follow within the current storyline and bring players closer to discovering *something* tangible in regards to the Archons and their relics. The area will also provide a foreboding glimpse into a dark and sinister pre-mortal past...

The next update will contain a new playable race, some much needed improvements to the skills-purchasing interface, and as usual, bug and typo fixes. The planned update will most likely NOT contain the area described above.

A big thank you to everyone who has stopped by and asked questions, provided insight, offered suggestions, and have helped make AoA an overall better place. Please also note that AoA is under development, and our current 'open' nature falls within the context of 'testing'.

Thanks again,

ArchPrime 11-09-2008 08:34 PM

Re: Introducing Archons of Avenshar
Archons of Avenshar was recently updated to include a new playable race, a rework of the golden orb rewards system, bug fixes, and more.

Please feel free to swing by, test things out, and provide feedback.

Additional information is available at our website:

As always, thank you very much.

Kepo 11-18-2008 02:17 PM

Re: Introducing Archons of Avenshar
I recently installed Linux and haven't been able to use the client since. I have the latest version of Flash and all of my browser settings are correct I think. You don't have any forums and I couldn't find an admin contact page on the website so here's my "bug report":

When clicking "Play Now," it opens the new window and the flash client shows the "Loading x%" thing. Sometime between 0% and 100%, the flash client just turns into a blank white screen. One time, the loading percentage actually surpassed 100% and kept climbing up to around 170% before the client blanking out. Couldn't find a reason why that might've happened.

For debugging purposes, I'm on Linux Mint 5 (Elyssa), which is built on Ubuntu 8.04.

crate 11-26-2008 03:28 PM

Re: Introducing Archons of Avenshar
I've given this game a test run, and it's small but has a lot of promise. The flash client is also really nice.

Looking forward to seeing how it develops!

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