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Leech 11-15-2008 06:14 PM

A parasitic introduction.
Well, somehow, through reasons I've forgotten, it became a lot easier to get an account here. Having been a lurker for about a year (waiting for an account to get approved), I've finally gotten one, and thought I'd introduce myself.

Well, here I am. As a player of MUD, I am very into the RP scene, and actually dislike (very much) playing MUDs which aren't RP-enforced (or at least roleplay intensive). I got started in MUDs after trying to find RPGs on google, and found Iron Realms Entertainment. I played Achaea for a while, and then became more interested in horror or dark settings, and went to Aetolia. Mostly, I RPed, never having the will to learn how to script a combat system or buy credits (both of which you need to kill pretty much any other player on any IRE game). After getting bored with the lack of RP from Aetolia, I jumped to the other two, and couldn't find a good role anywhere. So I decided to move, and found Accursed Lands. I started playing there, then after quite a few problems, I have recently started going on and off there, mostly off. As I played Accursed Lands, I casually played Armageddon, but couldn't get into it. I also played Advent of the Mysts, and still do, casually (they are in alpha, but open to players, which I don't recommend to any admin because you'll be spending a lot of time busy with code. This isn't such a big problem, if you didn't give them a taste of IMM ran RP and storylines before you started to work on the code excessively, which is what AotM did).

Now, I have no MUD, but have a few that I am waiting to open, and I still eagerly await the time when Advent of the Mysts will have more available IMMs and a more complete game.

In real life, I am an amateur musician and writer. I hope to make a living by combining both of those, as I really don't see myself doing anything else, and I despise day to day, normal, jobs. I play the piano, and mess around with the guitar and bass. I'm also a horrible drummer, but hell, the drums are fun to beat around on :P. In my writing, I mostly stick to the horror genre. Edgar Allan Poe is a great influence on me.

Now, keeping in line with being a parasite (and since I've found no other place to ask at) I'd like to ask you, the community, if you know of any MUDs I would like. Keep in mind that I like dark settings, possibly even harsh (Armageddon was fun, even though it didn't keep me). Also, I'd love to be an RP-admin-type, to set up storylines and such. I'd also be willing to learn how to build and write up areas. Really, I just need something in the RP-community to keep me occupied, as currently, I have nothing.

And so, that's an end to this long introduction.

Jazuela 11-15-2008 07:41 PM

Re: A parasitic introduction.
You could try Shadows of Isildur or Harshlands, if you enjoyed the RP-style of Armageddon but want a different theme.

Ide 11-15-2008 07:58 PM

Re: A parasitic introduction.
I'm curious if you've ever tried RP on a mush? Many seem to go with a dark theme (admittedly many of those are World Of Darkness based, which isn't exactly Edgar Allen Poe, but maybe it could work for you). When you search the mud lists most will let you filter by codebase; try mux or mush.

Leech 11-16-2008 02:57 AM

Re: A parasitic introduction.
I like to play in an original environment, so I immediately threw out SoI, though I've heard it was a strong leader in getting people into RPs.

Yes, I have tried MUSHs. I enjoyed one of the ones I played, until the creator lost interest (bastard). What's stopped me from pursuing playing at more MUSHs is their lack of organization and a good theme (this is based only off the ones I've seen). Also, isn't World of Darkness a vampiric setting?

Violette 11-16-2008 12:55 PM

Re: A parasitic introduction.
Hi Leech :)

*pulls out her lists*

So, you're looking for RP-enforced, original worlds, with a dark theme... I'm going to throw a few titles at you...


(If you're looking for really, really dark)

Leech 11-16-2008 03:22 PM

Re: A parasitic introduction.
Wow, Violette... thank you! Some of those I've already looked at, but there's at least three listed that I haven't even heard of.

Edit: Didn't know DH was back. I'll definetly be checking that out. I looked around before, but they seemed abandoned.

rendekar 11-16-2008 04:31 PM

Re: A parasitic introduction.
you should also see FIRANMUX .. it's greco-roman setting is unique and its code seems to be designed to stand somewhere between a mush and a mud.. If you're looking for totally different experience..

Violette 11-16-2008 06:09 PM

Re: A parasitic introduction.
You're welcome ;)

I forgot about . Not sure if it's RPI though...

The_Fury 11-16-2008 07:23 PM

Re: A parasitic introduction.
I do not think that its even open for play yet.

Milawe 11-17-2008 03:45 PM

Re: A parasitic introduction.
Late to add this but "Hi and welcome!" Glad you got approved.

Are you looking for a dark setting where everyone is dark or just the opportunity to play a really dark character regardless of what others do? I'm trying to get a sense of what you really like.

Some people like their whole world to be dark and morbid. Other people just want to be able to play a really dark character in counterpoint to others. I prefer dark worlds but a "bright" character.

Orrin 11-17-2008 04:32 PM

Re: A parasitic introduction.
Thanks for remembering us Violette :)

My partner Wade has been involved with several RPI muds in the past so there will certainly be features familiar to players of RPI muds, however we are not describing Maiden Desmodus as an RPI.

As Robert says we are still in development, although if the OP wants to find out about the game they can visit our and for more information. I think in particular the on the wiki give a good feel for the theme and setting. We should be open to the public Q1 2009.

Leech 11-17-2008 10:56 PM

Re: A parasitic introduction.
Thank you for the invite, Orrin, but I don't see myself playing Maiden Desmodus. Good luck with it, though.

Milawe, I prefer worlds that aren't particularly... 'safe'. Not such darkness as the MUD Hell, which Violette suggested, but a slightly morbid world. One where most of the people are discontent, and dangers abound. Where horrors can, and do happen, but there's room to escape them, or embrace them, however you see fit. Where I could play a cultist in one character's lifetime, and a baker trying to get by the next.

Er... hope all that gave a bit of indication on what type of MUDs I enjoy. Mostly just the type where morbid things can happen, or where they already (by theme) do, or everything isn't just 'Oh, there was a war a thousand years ago that changed everything and now we face dark times'. Most of the times I've seen that, there really was no impression of darkness, or things not being well.

Edit: FiranMUX looks... nice. It looks a lot more organized than similiar games of this fashion, and the commands aren't too different from a MUDs, so I'll probably get used to them soon enough for me to enjoy the game. Thank you for mentioning it.

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