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Brody 05-07-2009 04:24 PM

Who's going to see it? Who's vehemently opposed to setting eyes upon it?

And, most importantly, what effect, if any, do you think it'll have on the number (and tone) of future Trek-inspired text-based games?

WarHound 05-07-2009 05:28 PM

I could really get into a good Trek RPI. Hopefully someone will be inspired.

I'll be taking my 3yo son to see it as soon as it comes to the theater in this backwater hellhole I call home.

I'm reserving judgement til I see it. For now, my only complaint is that the adult-Kirk actor looks like he has a badly-repaired hairlip. Still, looking forward to seeing it. When I was a kid, and even today, ST was the only thing my father and I could connect on. Got a special place in this nerd's heart. :)

prof1515 05-07-2009 06:16 PM

I'm going tomorrow as I haven't missed an opening night for Star Trek film in 18 years. I'm reserved right now in what to make of the film and will wait until I've seen it before rendering a final judgement. I'm NOT a fan of J.J. Abrams and have considered everything he's ever done to be over-hyped crap, big on promotion but lacking in substance and quality, so I'm very wary.

As for its impact on MU*s, I haven't found a Trek game I've liked (actually, that can apply to science fiction MU*s in general). If it weren't for the IP-infringement, I'd take a shot at making a Star Trek RPI but as with any theme there'd be problems (aside from the IP issue) and my time is already devoted to TSOY. So, I'm not holding my breath on Star Trek having any impact on the MU* scene. Might inspire one or two games but they probably won't be anything better than what's been seen before.


Brody 05-07-2009 10:33 PM

Just saw it! Enjoyed the hell out of it.

Delerak 05-08-2009 12:29 AM

Yeah I'm not that big of a fan. I'll probably download it or something.

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