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Lazerous 08-13-2009 08:58 PM

Looking for C/C++ Coder(s) + Exp Smaug Builder(s)
The Realm of Draenor is seeking help with coding and building on the realm.

On the building end, we have created a useful builders school to facilitate the transition
from other code base's to this one and its command syntax. Those with previous smaug
online creation will excell at the building in our realm. The syntax varies slightly, but the
main way things are done is the same. We currently have over 40+ unique zones that
Lazerous has created on his own. We are currently going through old areas and updating
the items drops and mob stats with current new features and adding in new mini quests
to all the zones across the realm. Then after that we have a long list of things to work
on and add to the realm. New builders will be able to either build their own unique area's
or they can assist with updating of existing ones, which I am sure would be appreciated.
Either way, new building staff would be great.

On the coding end, we started with the base of smaugwiz 2.02.
From that base we heavily modified the code using MS Visual C++ Ver 6.0.
Alot of things both in other peoples snippets and our own concepts that
are beyond the current coding capabilities of our resident coder.

Example is how smaug and smaugwiz are simular in alot of respects and yet in alot of
ways they are very different in how the code is done. So say trying to take a snippet
written for a smaug 1.4 and use it in smaugwiz base even, you just might get lucky,
but most likely you wont be able to make the installation due to it asking you to
find and or modify things that simply do not exist within the smaugwiz codebase.

In the end, the realm really would like some extra help with the coding and building,
if you have the time, the experience and not a quitter, then please do come on over,
we have a small player base atm, but that will increase as time goes on and we get
in the features that everyone desires.

Port: 23

Head Staff: Lazerous

Thank you for taking the time to read all this, cheers!


Lazerous :cool:

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