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Fifi 08-27-2005 11:52 AM

Consent - When writing documentation, what language is required for consent rules. You don't want adult players mudesxing 12 year olds. You don't want the parents of 12 year olds sueing you, because their 12 year old takes place in adult situations. What language in your policies best protects you? Where is the best place to put this on your website, and in your documentation?

Links - Many mushes and rp muds have links to essays on what RP is and isn't. What are the legalities of using a link like this?

the_logos 08-27-2005 08:32 PM

Just a note: Someone may sue you, and being sued is never fun, but there is absolutely nothing illegal about mudsexing with 12 year olds so the outcome of the lawsuit, if it wasn't tossed out of court on the face of it, is not really in doubt. Mudexing with a 12 year old is screwed up and sick, yes, but it's not illegal.


GuruPlayer 08-28-2005 12:22 AM

Why not just ban mudsex, & you won't have to worry about it?

Sorry, I don't buy the argument that would be made that "we don't want to restrict any behavor for RP purposes" .  You obviously have some concerns because you can't enforce an age limit on players.  When I started playing D&D, I played with lots of players, & nobody RP'd sex with other characters, only on MUDs does it exist.  Ban it & it won't be a problem.

While it may not be illegal, the times are a-changin' re what society will tolerate in some communities, & any legal action costs money no matter what the outcome.  Not only do you need to worry about minors being approached, there is the added problem of "stalking" on the MUD after failed or refused romances (it happens), & the possibility of emoted rapes, that  the player will claim was justified by his character.  You'll have to make the decision, is allowing mudsex worth the potential headaches?

prof1515 09-15-2005 07:27 PM

Matt's correct. As sick as it sounds, it's not illegal. And sadly, despite the best efforts of a game staff, the pervs will find a way to turn every virtual trick they can in-game. Seen it over and over as an admin. You can ban them, but another will probably replace them.

The only effective thing you can do is stress a policy of consent for disturbing behavior (rape, etc) and treat violators as harshly as possible. Then wait for the next one to come along.

However, depending upon the maturity of your pbase, maybe you could post the names/emails of such individuals. Won't do wonders for your MUD's reputation, but then again, maybe those who dislike such behavior as much as you do will appreciate it.

Take care,


Valg 10-28-2005 02:34 PM

I'd be careful there. Publically accusing someone of using online games to sexually harass minors, using their legal identification, could conceivably give the (alleged) pervert an angle to turn the law on you. The intersection between the Internet and the law remains murky, but I'd be concerned about libel, as well as the implication of posting their RL name and information and inciting the readers with such claims.

As for the game itself, we have a rule about such behavior, but I'm curious if anyone's researched a relevant disclaimer for the actions of their players which provides any degree of legal protection from being accused of promoting such behavior.

the_logos 10-28-2005 03:36 PM

Quite right. If you're wrong or can't prove it, you risk being sued for defamation.

Your legal protection is the fact that in a text game, no laws are being broken in this situation. You don't need to protect yourself legally from being accused of promoting something that's not illegal. Public relations is another matter entirely, of course.


danixdefcon5 12-14-2005 05:05 AM


Once I remember I was in a MUD and one of the female players asked to "go with her". Then started a whole mudsex RP, and this being my first experience MUD/RP-ish, well didn't really know how to follow, how much to do.

After like 4 tense minutes, the player just left (lost link), and then I get messaged by another Player that asks me for that female player. I think it is still RP and I tell him oh yeah, real close recently and he says then "oh no, not netsex again"

so I answer "ooc well she roleplayed it, did feel weird RP but it *is* RP after all"
and he goes "ooc well stay clear she is 14 years old"

so ... my face is like WTF??? Then again, as someone said earlier ... it isn't really sex, so it ain't illegal. Plus, character-wise, you aren't really checking out the actual player's age, so it isn't like you're hitting on the 12 year olders to mudsex!

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