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DonathinFrye 03-02-2010 08:21 AM

Atonement RPI: Hiring One European Storyteller
Note: We are specifically looking for a European-based Storyteller to join our team, so that we can provide more support and opportunities at off-peak playing times!

Storytellers on Atonement RPI are right at the heart of the game. They help players who experience problems within the game, answer petitions, animate important NPCs, create on-the-spot fun for players, and help drive the overall storyline of the game with special events and original plots. To be a Storyteller on Atonement means that you are a creative tour de force, are capable of playing a wide variety of believable characters, enjoy interacting with people and providing them fun, and are a solid writer with adequate grammar skills.

Volunteering as a Storyteller/GM/RPA or Crafter for any game requires determination, thick skin, and dedication. There will be times where the tasks put before you are often tiring and tedious. There will be times where you must deal with unsavory things. There will also be times where you will heatedly disagree with the opinions of other staffers or players or situations where your actions will be judged for fairness. Being a staffer or guide means being able to cope with often stressful and very taxing things but despite that, our position is very rewarding. We value honesty and integrity and we like to think that we hire the very best. So, if you are interested in joining our team, our application guidelines are listed below. Please answer us, at the bare minimum, the following:

1. Account name:
2. Where You Live (Time Zone, Country):
3. Contributions to the game (if any):
4. Useful skills & knowledge:
5. Why you'd make a good Storyteller/Crafter:
6. Please supply us with one s/d/full description each for an object, room, and NPC of your own creation. If you are applying for the position of a crafter, please create a craft with the written craft commands or by step-by-step instruction (like a cooking recipe).

The above are the required information needed when applying for a position with Atonement RPI. Feel free to include any additional information that you think would help sway our votes when deciding on whether or not to hire you. Note that experience -does- matter and that we are more inclined to hire from the ranks of our Guides than those of the general community, though it will happen from time to time.

Please send your applications to: ... note that we will ONLY be accepting applications for Storytellers until Midnight EST on March 9th (next Monday/Tuesday). That means that you should not hold off on applying, and should spread the word to any individuals that you believe may be interested in applying.

DonathinFrye 03-08-2010 08:03 AM

Re: Atonement RPI: Hiring One European Storyteller
Bumping this to say that you are still welcome to apply. We have not made any decisions yet with this position.

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