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rotm_adm 09-24-2005 02:25 AM

Currently, I run an LPMud using the LDMud driver along w/ the MySQL database package interface. Currently we have taken several parts of our hardcoded inherits and variable formulas and created an assortment of daemons that call our MySQL database stored variables.

At last count, we found that with the conversion from hardcode to a database-driven system w/ daemons, we have saved several megabytes of disk space. An example of the savings can be seen in our player advancement system: Old code -- 8mb via multiple inherits files and variable formulas; New code -- 24.4k daemon file + 3.1k database variables.

Has anyone else utilized the MySQL database (or other databases for that matter) for making their game run better, faster or a little bit of both -- not only for the player's sake, but for your builders/developers as well?

-- Silverthorn

Brody 09-24-2005 03:01 AM

I've been tinkering with this, actually, on one of my side projects. It's quite handy from a resource management standpoint. However, the major drawback can come if your game is on a shared server with other games and websites, with the increased chance for Apache and other SQL-linked goodies to go offline, thus leaving your SQL-driven systems in the lurch.

Not really much of an issue if your game is on a dedicated server, however.

Tezcatlipoca 09-24-2005 10:54 AM

We're utilizing a Database backend for the store of just about all our mud information (excepting of some code constants that really shouldn't be in it).
Essentially we did it for organization purposes, decreased coding time of save/loads, and for the dynamic nature it lends to our system. Restricted remote access to the system allows for the creation of non-in-game OLC creation building to be done through a separate program, which can access the database for things such as lists of mob and item, templates room types ect. It can also be used to access information about the game quickly and easily for posting on a website, and could be updated instantly upon a chance in the information (pending a refresh of the window of course) (game statistics, help files, ect).

For a large server application which we thought should be as dynamic as possible, it seemed to be the best option. And we're not without help when it comes to needing to do things that a file system could do (distribute the information in the database via file, or back up the system). All that is, obviously, very easily done.

Alexander Tau 10-29-2005 12:40 PM

Interesting approach, I have been wondering what sort of database addition I could add to my new project.

I just kicked off a new DGD/Phantasmal Mud that is going to be set in Space. And not just any old Space but one with 100,000 Stars, and about 100,000 Planets.

So naturally I am concerned about storeing and handling a large amount of data.

How much work went into setting up your system. And did you consider any other approaches before you chose the one you did?


the_logos 10-29-2005 01:10 PM

We use MySQL databases, but definitely not to make the game run faster. They are a lot slower than Rapture's native databases due to the fact that Rapture's dbs are memory resident and are built to sacrifice memory space for the sake of speed. RAM is dirt-cheap, after all, so who cares.

What we use them for, however, is storing data that we need to expose to processes outside the game or data that just doesn't need to be accessed frequently (registration data, player-written books, etc).


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