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KAMEO 03-20-2011 01:24 PM

New Staffer for a New Game
I thought I would take the opportunity to introduce myself to the community.

My handle here is Kameo, but in Depths of Chaos, I am known as Tempest. Im an IMP for a new RPI and have never really had much exposure to this site. Im hoping it can help provide information as well as connections to new staff members and players alike.

I have been mudding for a LONG...long time, before the internet was the internet, and online roleplay was still exclusively done by bulletin boards and table top alone. Im particularly attached to intensive roleplay and focus most of my attention there, (though I will sheepishly admit I did about 15 months straight on Guild Wars a few years back as a breather).

So, yah. Just saying hi to those that dwell here.


Threshold 03-25-2011 01:42 AM

Re: New Staffer for a New Game
How were you mudding before "the internet was the internet." I'd love to hear more about that! :)

What were some of your favorite early muds?

KAMEO 03-25-2011 12:30 PM

Re: New Staffer for a New Game

I recall Playing LORD in the early 90's on BBS dial up access, and started out on a true Mud through RoD, back in the mid 90's, though I think I only played that about a year before moving on. The line ups for mobs and huge amount of multiplaying made it less enjoyable so I moved on to a place called The Labyrinth to which I was introduced to my first real online roleplay. I played and staffed there a few years until the place imploded, and then found myself on a hack and slash called Legends of Excalibur (which is still open today). It's kind of a Mudding for Dummies, but I admit, I played off and on for over a decade simply because of the clan/pk fun the place offered. (at the time). I finally landed on a great game called Shadow Siege, rp enforced and a great code, awesome features, but staff turned out to be a bit...insane and so, moved on to a sister mud called Dark Isles. Unfortunately, staff has all but abandoned the place, and there is no longer a pbase to speak of, which is truly a shame, because I had some wonderful RP there for about 2 years.

Now, I have spent the better part of the last year creating Depths of Chaos (okay perhaps Im more concepts and decorating, our coder is truly responsible for making this place work) and tomorrow, we open for beta!

Our first attempt and creating and staffing our own, original concept. I hope the rpers of the world like it as much as we do! :)


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